Friday, November 30, 2007
And we wrap up another year of NaBloPoMo!!
The official completion badge at this point is cute, but while looking at alternatives I saw one non-completion NaBloPoMo badge that I liked the message of and wished I had found it earlier to post, so I'll throw that in this post too.
So congrats to all who made it, and I'll be blogging with you next year too!
And in the meantime... Blog Free or Die!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Day 29....fine....whateverrrrrrr
Only one day left in NaBloPoMo '07!
This month has gone by so quickly it amazes me! Last November was ENDLESS! I can't believe that there are only 26 shopping days left till Christmas!
And I found 2 things that top my Christmas list this year!
This Bumpersticker:
And this book!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I'm sorry, excuse me, what did you say??
So today I stopped into my rental office to pay my rent. The brother of one of the women there is visiting from England and was in the office chatting with her. She introduced me and all I could see were these two amazingly gorgeous green eyes. Wow.
So the three of us were chatting, and I swear I had to ask him to repeat what he said 4 times in 10 minutes. No, that wasn't because of his amazingly hot accent, it was because I was mesmerized by those gorgeous green eyes. I could not concentrate on anything else. I'm sure he thinks I am the biggest ditzy flake, but if you saw these eyes I think you'd be distracted too.
So I complain that I don't meet any men I'm interested in, and then when I finally find one, he lives across a freaking ocean and will only be in this country for 2 weeks. Then again, I don't know if I was interested in him or not-- I was just lost in the spell of those amazing eyes...
I'm sorry, what'd you say again?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Don't you hate it when...
You wake up from a dream that you KNOW was amazing...
But you can't remember a single detail?
You're hungry...
But there is nothing you're in the mood to eat?
You have stuff you should be doing...
But no motivation with which to do it?
Yeah, that's today for me.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Drama Free Zone
Does such a place exist?
If so, where is it? I'd like to spend some time there.
Hell, with us being in a drought I can't even take a long bubble bath without guilt.
I do have a bottle of Relax wine, I think I'll be opening that and hoping it does what it advertises...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I've been outed
So for over a year very few friends of mine actually knew this blog existed, and that's how I liked it. I kept it that way so that I could vent if I needed to, and to stay fairly anonymous.
I never wrote anything that interesting, it was more for myself than anyone else, so I figured that was the best way to go.
Well I realized that some of my local friends who did not know previously that I had this now know. And one of them is the mom of the baby.
And I was re-reading what I wrote about her and hope it did not come off as anything negative about the baby and my feelings towards her.
I truly adore her. She's great. In the time I've spent with her she has changed so much, grown to have such a great personality; she keeps me laughing. I love seeing how she's developed her own personality and there are few things that brighten me up like that big ol' smile she loves to give me. I love when she falls asleep on me- she's so sweet and dear (and smells yummy) and I let her stay on me rather than put her down for her nap because I know she feels more comforted and safe and cozy on me and I want her to have that.
When I said I was dreading having her that day it was nothing against her at all, it was just me being lazy. Hell, I dread almost every time I have to put clothes on and leave the house, but I almost always end up having a blast when I actually go somewhere. That's just me.
I know I did say she's cute and I love her, and I want it known that those are the feelings that are the strong real ones. I hope that's what people hold onto, not anything negative.
Because I do love her. And she is damn cute! And I hope that even after I'm not regularly taking care of her that I am one of the first people called when a babysitter is needed. Because I will miss my time with her. She's my bud now.
(But I confess, I still love my cats more ;) )
(Oh, and the reason I only call her "the baby" isn't because I don't love her enough to use her name, it's a privacy respecting thing)
And lastly, if you're going to keep reading here, please leave comments! I like to hear what people have to say about what I have to say. Of course I really don't have much to say. Reading back most of my posts are either about my cats or how lame my life is. But I never claimed to have anything that interesting to say! :)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Is it me? Or is this year not the same?
Last year I had a blast doing NaBloPoMo. I "met" tons of new people through their blogs, I would spend hours engrossed in other people's lives. I enjoyed trying to come up with interesting things to blog about since I knew many random strangers would wander into my world through the randomizer.
This year, not so much. I know that partially it's me. Last year I was in a mind numbing sedentary light duty job where I spent 8 hours a day in front of a computer screen and needed something to keep me sane. So I randomized. Probably 6 of those 8 hours a day. I left comments all over the place. Then those people came to my blog and it was cool. This year I don't sit in front of the screen and have only randomized minimally. As in, I have probably not even come close to 6 hours this whole month.
So is that why I'm not as into it? Or am I just much lamer this year and nobody who randomizes there way into my world has nothing to say? Or is it just the way it's set up this year? It seems like it should be way cooler, but I haven't really been too involved.
So tell me, if you are actually a 2x NaBloPoMoer, is it different this year, or is it just me?
Oh and Karen, I know you're reading so come out of hiding and leave a comment! Oh and did you see this post? It mentions how much I appreciate you and am happy you're my friend! :)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Do you ever think you're invisible?
Or maybe in stealth mode even though you don't want to be? Tonight I had to run out to get cat fud and I was almost hit twice. The first time is when someone wanted to be in the lane I happened to be in. Fortunately there was nobody in front of me so I floored it and avoided being hit.
This of course brings me back to a scary flashback of Advanced Driver's Training in high school. We would go out to an unfinished part of highway and basically do very dangerous things in cars. We would skid, spin, fly off the road, almost hit each other- it was great fun! I did actually learn a few things there though. One was that there were three ways to avoid an accident- braking is the obvious one, steering is also pretty obvious, and the last is accelerating. And yes, thank you Mr. Rowe, I used that tonight to stay safe :)
I stopped at Blockbuster first, then walked over to the grocery store across the way from it. As I was crossing the street a car FLEW through a stop sign and came very close to flattening me. I looked at her and she made a praying motion at me- I guess she was either thanking God that I jumped out of the way, or was praying that I would forgive her for attempted murder.
And this is where I began to wonder if I was accidentally invisible. I mean, 2 people tried to be in the exact spot that I was in within 15 minutes of each other. I always thought that the power of invisibility would be wicked cool, but not of it means being run down. I wish I had the ability to control this power. Think of all of the interesting things you could do with it! Hell, I could go to every Police concert without having to pay :)
Ok off to watch my movies I almost died getting...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
All by myself...
Well, by myself and 2 kitties....
But that's how I spent Thanksgiving this year. And I'm all good with that.
When I lived in Arizona I had many single friends who all lived far away from their families. One used to hostess Thanksgiving every year and those were some of the best Thanksgivings I've had in recent years.
Since then, I always get invited to other people's family dinners. I think it's wonderful that my friends care, don't get me wrong... but I hate being the charity guest. I told everyone who asked this year that I was going to go spend it with my best friend's family at the beach this year. I had no idea if that was what I was going to do, but it was a good excuse to not get pressured by people. I even thought that I might actually do that too. And then I found out that they weren't coming to the beach this year, so it wasn't even an option. I confess I was torn between being disappointed and relieved. Disappointed because I love them and wanted to spend time with them, but relieved because I did not feel like making the drive, and I got to spend the day in PJ's with kitties being slothlike.
And for that... I am thankful...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Isn't Life Swell???
Ok I think I've basked enough to finally be able to put it into some words.
I had the most amazing trip, as I mentioned before...
It started off kinda unfun- I got to the airport and while waiting for my flight found that there were oodles of small children waiting at the same gate as me. And of course, when I got on, there was a small one in a car seat trying to steal my window seat. The dad offered me the aisle seat instead, but, being the bitch that I am, explained that I wanted the window, that is the seat I paid for, so sorry. He moved the carseat to the middle row, I crawled over it to my window and promptly hooked myself into the satellite radio that Airtran offers for free and dove into Broken Music, nothing like a little Sting to cheer me up! The flight after that was fairly uneventfulu other than a multitude of screaming children, but I was to pumped up to care.
I arrived in Atlanta and called my friend Corky who was picking me up, and we had perfect timing, I walked out of the door right as she was pulling up! NOW we can get this party started! C and I went back to her townhouse to wait for our other friend, Biff, to call after she was finished with her afternoon commitment. After a while, C and I were wondering what was taking her so long to call, so we called her. Guess what? She was sitting home waiting for our call, assuming my flight must have been late! Silly us! So off we go to pick her up and then to dinner. When deciding where to eat I could have sworn they said "Feed-o" when the suggested one place, and I thought that sounded swell! Whoops, it was really called Figo, but was still tres tasty! After that it was back to Corky's for a slumber party!
Ok so I know that any men reading this are picturing cute nighties and pillow fights, but actually what it involved was wine, reminiscing, and some of the old board games we used to play back in the dorms. With three of us we always played Me and C, vs C and B, vs B and Me. It rawked. Oh yeah, we also listened to much Police.
The next morning we listened to more Police, played more games, and basically tried not to jump out of our skin's with excitement. Finally, it was time to go!!
We got there and had our VIP valet parking at the Omni thanks to my sister's friend who works for someone important in Atlanta, and then headed over to the arena. Everyone who worked there was mad hospitable and all encouraged us to have a good time and enjoy the show. We knew this wouldn't be hard! I bought an overpriced t shirt and then we settled in to watch the opening act.
Fiction Plane RAWKED! They are like one of my newest favorite bands! Oh yeah, and the lead singer is Sting's eldest son! But seriously, I liked them on their own merit. Not unlike the other time's I've seen Sting live- I've always loved his opening bands!
And then the show started. I am very proud of myself for not peeing myself! I was SO excited! They opened with Message in a Bottle, which i thought was a great choice. The rest of the set was as follows:
Synchronicity II
Walking on the Moon
Too Much Information
Don’t Stand So Close to Me
Driven to tears
Hole in My Life
Hit the Road Jack
Truth Hits Everybody
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Wrapped Around Your Finger
De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
Invisible Sun
Walking in your Footsteps
Can’t Stand Losing You/Regatta de Blanc medley
First Encore:
King of Pain
So Lonely
Every Breath You Take
Second Encore:
Next to You
Sadly, that was the end. But it was a perfect night. Perfect.
I spent the next day just hanging out with Biff and then off to lunch with her and her hubby at Waffle House, then to visit Corky at work (she works in a museum so we got to check it out) and then to the airport.
When I got to the airport the 5pm flight had been delayed and so I asked if I could get on that one instead of my 7pm one. Not only did I get on it, but I got to sit in Business Class! A perfect treat for the perfect weekend.My life is so much closer to complete now that I've seen the Police live.
Life... is swell...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Every little thing I saw was magic...
Sadly, I'm home. I'm disappointed to see the video clips I posted did not work either...
I'll try and figure it out tomorrow...
Now though, I am going to crash.
I'll write more about my amazing time tomorrow...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
No longer a hole in MY life!
You have new Picture Mail!
You have new Picture Mail!
So excited, I might pee myself!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Old friends
I'm in Atlanta! Old roommates reunited! Off to drink copious amounts of wine and have a P J party!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Almost here...
I can't believe it's finally almost here! I have to go pack, I'm leaving for Atlanta in the morning!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ice Ice Baby
At the rink again
Freezing cold all day long
Took many photos!
Feet, Arms and Tushies
Again, most of what I shot
I did take some good!
I took good pictures
At medal ceremony
smiling winners
No ice tomorrow
Taking care of the baby
I'll be warm instead
It is almost here!
The Police concert Sunday
I can't freakin' wait!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Picture Perfect
Or not...
So as I mentioned before, my sister is in town. She's a photographer and shooting the Eastern Sectionals for figure skating. She dragged me along tonight and made me take pictures too. Guess what? I suck. I had trouble keeping up with the skaters in a big way.
So these are what most of my pics looked like...
Well, I never claimed to be good at it. I confess though, I did manage a few good ones, and they might actually end up published on, so check it out and see!
And who knows what tomorrow will bring... she's making me go again, so maybe I'll actually get more than just feet and tushies!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chad's a dork too
Every time I see the Alltel commercial it reminds me of the last time I went to get my newest phone. Somehow the sales dude and I got to chatting about that commercial. He lamented about how much he hated it and loathed being likened to the guy who was the Sprint dude. And then he said "But what I don't get is that Chad's a dork too!"
And here is where I almost placed my foot firmly in my mouth... What I thought and nearly said was "yeah, seriously, I mean look what he does- he sells cell phones for a living..."
Thank Goodness I checked myself in time and said "yeah, seriously, I mean look...who he hangs out with!"
It's not often that my brain works faster than my mouth. I'm SO grateful that this time it did!
Monday, November 12, 2007
I should have company more often
So I have a two bedroom apartment even though it's just me with the two kitties. Basically I need the second room as a dumping ground. All the crap that I can't seem to get rid of, but don't know what to do with, ends up in there. Anytime I need to straighten up quickly I pick up everything, dump it in there, and shut the door. Most people have a junk drawer, I have a junk room. And the worse it gets, the less likely I am to clean it up, so it just gets scarier and scarier till I just keep the door shut all the time.
But then when I'm having company I have to shovel it out. I usually pop a Clairitin first because otherwise I go into sneezing fits from all the accumulated dust. Poor RoomBob wears out his batteries and needs to recharge at least once, sometimes twice to get the place actually vacuumed.
But when it's done, I feel such a sense of YAY ME! It's only my sister coming, and honestly, she wouldn't give a shit if it was a mess still or not. But nevertheless, I feel the need to make it at least presentable. When I was dying in pain before my surgery and she was coming down to take care of me post-op I still felt the need to clean in there first.
So I think I really should invite company over more often so that the room actually stays clean. So who wants to come visit in a few weeks?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I got nothin'
So 'splain this to me...
When I'm lying in bed before I fall asleep, a million great topics run through my head.
When I was cleaning out my closet, putting away the summer things, a few other good blog entries were written in my mind.
And now, when I sit down to actually write, I got nothin'.
So my exciting topic tonight is storage containers...
I live very close to a Kmart, so although it is my least favorite store of that type, I go there when I need to run and grab something quickly. I decided to put away my winter stuff instead of cramming everything into my closets and so I ran over to Kmart to get some of those big plastic bins. I ended up getting ones that were red in the bottom, with a green lid. They were giant, and 5 bucks each. The smaller pretty non-holiday colors were $12. They were the exact same thing, just not "holiday" and yet they were 7 dollars more. I don't get it. Yes, I would have rathered a pretty colored one, but why pay more? I just think it's wicked weird that they are the same but different prices.
And that is my completely lame, uninspired post for tonight. Well, I warned you-- I had nothin'
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Is it bedtime yet?
I had some serious insomnia last night. I should have gotten out of bed and posted, because to pass the time while I wasn't sleeping, I composed several great posts.
Of course now, I cannot remember them. And that might be from this headache from hell that I have right now. Like I've said before, I get no-sleep hangovers. And I have a doozy now. I just want to go to bed, but considering it's not even 7 pm yet, I know that would be a big mistake. I'd end up waking up at 1am and not be able to fall out again.
I can't just read, because the headache is so bad. I can't take a bubble bath because we're in a drought. I can't even stay online much because that's hurting my head more too. So I guess what I'll do is the same thing I've been doing. Laying here with Ringo and listening to Discovery Health on the TV.
Do I know how to party on a Saturday night, or what?
Friday, November 09, 2007
Blogger seems to be down. I hope at least this goes through. It's a shame too because I had this awesome deep post on the meaning me life planned, but since I'm texting this it will have to wait!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
One Week!
Question du Jour: What are you most looking forward to in this month?
For me, that's easy! THE POLICE CONCERT!Ok so maybe it's a week and 3 days. But that's how freaking excited I am! I just can't wait! I was the biggest Police fan back in HS. I was a late comer to them though- I discovered them during Synchronicity. LOVED them so much that I went back and got all their previous stuff too. I decked out the inside of my locker with pictures of Sting, Andy, and Stewart. I had a quote from a Police song in my high school yearbook. And I desperately wanted to go to their concert. Alas, my bad luck- they broke up before I could ever convince my mom to let me go.
So when Sting went solo I did manage to make it to several of his concerts. (one of those is one I posted about that now wins my most hits by googled phrase award) But as amazing as those concerts were, there's always been a hole in my life (yes, I know I'm quoting the title of a Police song) since I never saw the three of them perform together.
And lo, they decided to reunite. And yes, they are going to Atlanta where 2 of my best friends live. And so it is written that I shall finally see my boys live.
I am truly giddy. I'm trying not to be so excited, because what if it's not all I expect it to be? But how could it not be?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Pink Flags
Question du Jour: What is a trait you have in yourself that you consider both a strength and a weakness?
In this case I would say mine is how forgiving I can or cannot be.So I was reading my friend AJ's most recent post over at her blog where she's talking about red flags in relationships. It really got me thinking...
As anyone who's ever read a post of mine knows, I'm still single. And one of the reasons I have been told this is true is that I am too picky. I always respond that if I was going to settle, I would have already. But then every now and again I begin to wonder if I write people off too quickly without giving them a chance.
AJ's post about recognizing red flags and not jumping in too fast at first made me want to pat myself on the back for already taking her advice. But then I started wondering again... am I seeing just pink flags and already calling them red without giving them a chance?
I think it's a fine line. Her point was to not ignore red flags, and I think that's hugely important. My point is that sometimes we might call a pink flag red and write someone off too quickly.
On the other hand though, every time I go against my gut that tells me that he's not the right one, and give him a chance (whether that be a first date I would have normally said no to, or a third date in case maybe it's one of those situations where someone might get more attractive as you get to know them) I invariably end up telling myself that my gut was right. I know what I want, more importantly, I know what I don't want, and I should just trust that.
But then again, I am still single, so who knows.
Maybe I need to stop looking at Red or Pink flags and start focusing on green or checkered ones?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
A healthcare bitch
Question du Jour: Are you good about preventative health appointments?
I try to be good about it. I do my annual gyn, eye doc, skin check, mamm, and dentist.
I had it going on that I had all of these appointments all in October, but because of the ridicuoulsness of the state of healthcare today that hasn't happened anymore.
In August I called to set up some of these appointments. The dermatologist was booking out till February!! So I switched to a different practice. My gyno was booking out till the first week in November, so I had to switch that, but I wasn't too upset with it because it was close.
However something's come up and I had to reschedule that appointment that was supposed to be this week. I called, and guess what- next available is January.
Seriously. Thank God I'm not actually sick! How insane is it to have to go so long before being able to get in? I know people who try to make appointments with orthopods and it takes them like 3 months to get in.
I just can't believe the way it is. Why is it that way? I really don't understand the need to book out so far? I mean really- it's not like there is a shortage of doctors in the triangle area.
I wonder if it's this bad in other countries?
Monday, November 05, 2007
Question du Jour: What is something that annoys you unreasonably?
For me it's definitely when someone parks in my parking space.
Except I have no real claim to the space. We don't have assigned parking here in my complex, but I always park in the same spot. And when someone else is in it when I get home it PISSES ME OFF!
When I go out to the sorority house there's a place I always park in. People even call it my space. The thing is, it's not a "legal" space, but since I'm the landlord I can park wherever I want. And that's where I want to park :) And tonight I had to go out there for a meeting and the chapter adviser was parked IN MY SPACE! Harrumph!
Back when I was in college I always liked to sit in the same desk, and Id get so irked if someone would be sitting at my desk.
I guess it's just a weird thing about me. I don't know why it's so important to me, it just is.
So stay out of my damn parking space! Thank you.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Time after Time
Question du Jour: Do you have any nieces or nephews?
I have a feline nephew and 4 pseudo nieces. One is someone who I lived with her and her mom up in Massachusettes, the other 3 are my best friend's daughters. I love each of my pseudo nieces just as much, if not more, than any human one I could have. I think this is because they are family by choice, not just blood.
So I just feel the need to bitch about daylight savings time. Fall isn't nearly as bad as spring, but both mess with me. I have narcolepsy, which is a neurological sleep disorder. I have it controlled for the most part, but I can easily get out of whack if my sleep gets screwy. It's a freaking nightmare in the spring DST- in fact that has actually been named Narcolepsy Awareness Week because it gives a small peek for normal people into how it is for us.
I wish I understood the point of DST more. Maybe then I wouldn't hate it so much. But right now, I see it as something that just screws my life up. I was hungry for meals at odd times, I'll be ready for bed too early, and it's not even 6pm and is almost dark.
Today I almost missed a chance to spend time with my best friend and 2 of my neicecs because their mom ended up getting up extra early because of the time change, and so they were on the road way early. I hate that I hardly see them anymore since I moved from Maryland, but they have a beach house here in NC and so whenever they are driving down (or up) 95 I try to meet up with them on the route for lunch or dinner or whatever. Fortunately though, I was able to drop everything last minute and meet up with them. I got full up of love and baby cuddles (and good hashbrowns!) and so even though today, being the first day of DST could have sucked, it didn't.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Question du Jour: What is your favorite place you've ever visited?
Mine would definitely be Sedona, Arizona
So I had such a great time in Indy!! Of course being spoiled didn't hurt a bit. And I posted that one in the morning. I could go on and on about the ways we were spoiled (ie: fillet mignon for dinner) but I won't because then you'll just be jealous of me.
But the thing was, this conference was attended primarily by volunteers. That's why I went- for a volunteer gig that I sometimes wonder why I would offer to do such a job for no money. Many of the women I met are involved in an even greater level, some of them nationally even. I think it is great that the company that put on the conference for us recognize that volunteers don't seem to get the appreciation they deserve and made a point of rectifying that. (of course one of the sessions was all about volunteer recruitment and retention...)
But what was even greater than the bevy of knowledge I gained, were the friendships I made. It was weird. Four of us all had 2 hours to kill before our flights so we went to TGI Friday's and got a bunch of apps and a few drinks. We hung out and it felt like we had been friends forever. I was the first who had to leave, grabbed my bag and said goodbye- and it felt like I should have said "see you next week" or something like that. Instead I said "It was great meeting you!" As I was walking out I heard this one guy say "they just met??"
I love when stuff like that happens. When you find like-minded individuals who are just easy to be with.
I hate when they all live in cities hundreds of miles away.
But it's still cool.
And now I'm EXHAUSTED and going to crash in front of the fire and catch up on missed TV.
Till tomorrow...
Friday, November 02, 2007
Yes, those are truffles on my pillow. Ground transportation was a stretch limo! I'm wearing a plush robe. The conference hasn't even started and I'm having a great time!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy NaBloPoMo!
Day one, this is gonna be fun...
Last year I did a question du jour to try and encourage comments, so I think that I'll be doing that again this year :)
What is the biggest change in your life from last November till this?
This is a huge question for me. Last year, I was still injured, could barely walk, was working a "light duty" job right by my real job and being treated like crap by those who I should have been working with but couldn't. This year I am finally healed, no longer in the shitty job, and life is full of possibilities. It's a good thing :)
So this evening I'm headed out to Indianapolis for a conference. I'm really looking forward to it. I was chosen to be one of two nationally to be representatives at this gig, so I'm pretty honored. It's all expense paid, and I just found out that the other delegate is bringing her husband so she's paying for her own room so I don't even have to share a room! This is probably the best part of all! Sleep is my friend. If I don't get enough, I don't do well. I actually feel like I'm hung over if I'm overtired. The one bit of stress that I had about this trip was that they would make me share a room with someone who snored loud and would keep me up. So now I will have good night's sleep and can be all bright eyed and bushy tailed for the sessions.
I still need to do a load of laundry and straighten up before I go though. I'm leaving my babies behind which stresses me out a bit, but I got a cool auto feeder thing and my friend Sherry is going to stop in on her way home from work tomorrow to check in on them. I don't leave till this evening, and I get back Saturday late afternoon, so they will barely be alone. Since she's checking in at the halfway point, I'm sure they'll be ok. I'm doing a bit of extra cuddle time now though so it's getting harder to type so I think I'll end this now.
My post tomorrow will be short since I have to do the distance thing, but I will not fail this early in the month! :) Good luck everyone!