Tuesday, February 20, 2007

 Im crushed


So very very sad.

I called the number for Jury Duty tomorrow and was told that I did not need to report, and can throw out my summons.

No Jury Duty for me.

And most likely, I wont be called again for an eon.

I guess Ill just go watch Law and Order

Posted by Acinom @ 7:17 PM :: (0) comments

 Happy Fastnacht Day!!

I bought doughnuts for everyone at work. It's amazing how quick people are to embrace a holiday that focuses on eating yummy doughnuts, even if they never heard of it befoer :) It cracks me up!

The nasty people that I work with didnt want any. Good, I didnt want to share with them anyway, but I offered because Im a nice person.

Ive sent some ecards I found. They crack me up.

I hope youre all enjoying yummy things on this fat tuesday :)

Posted by Acinom @ 1:08 PM :: (0) comments

Monday, February 19, 2007

 I am so sleeeeeeeeeepy

I really dont have anything much to say, but I feel Ive been neglectful here, so I wanted to post something quick. I sat here staring at the blank screen for a minute or so before I noticed that I think I was actually asleep briefly.

Im taking that as a sign that I must go to bed early. Im going to take a little bubble bath first to completely knock myself out, and then hit the hay. Tomorrow is a big day- yeah yeah Mardi Gras and all that, but more importantly, it's Fastnacht Day! Since I no longer live in PA Dutch country, Im guessing it's hard to come across a Fastnacht, so I plan on partaking in Krispy Kreme instead. But hey, it's the thought that counts!!

Laissez les bons temps rouler!!! (or les bons doughnuts, whichever you see fit!!)

Posted by Acinom @ 8:30 PM :: (0) comments

Thursday, February 15, 2007

 The scoop on the "animal translator" consult

So it was pretty cool!! I don't know if I can remember everything, but Ill do my best. I did sorta get most of it recorded so I can go back to it.

She said that Seamus didn't have any inside pain, just outside. That when he'd have his diarrhea it burned around his bum kinda like a diaper rash thing. That if I could help him with that, he would be happy because he doesn't have any tummy aches at all. (I picked up some baby wipes on the way home today!) He doesn't mind taking the medicine for his heart, it's just kinda something he accepts, and the heart stuff doesn't bother him at all.

She laughed and said "he's funny!" cuz the way he was saying his butt hurt. It's hard to type it, but the way she said it was funny. When I asked why he's so shy at home to strangers but a love bug when I take him out to the vet she said he said it's because they're nice to him, and honestly, he has no choice but to interact. At home he can hide. And he doesn't like clomping feet. (When anyone comes up the stairs to my apartment it does sound just like clomping.)

When I asked why Ringo is sometimes mean to people when he's wonderful to me always, she said it's because he doesn't like strangers touching him. He gets "insulted" that they would invade his personal space. He said its ok if he touches them, but they cant touch him! That's why he'll rub up against someone act all lovey and then smack em when they try and pet him. Punk. But since I'm "mommy" I'm allowed. But he doesn't like when ANYONE touches his belly cuz that's HIS. (That's totally true! that's how I can get scratched up like nobody's business)

She described their favorite places, and apparently Seamus misses our sliding glass doors from Lancaster because it was a great view. They described their "souffle's" that their Gramma made them and that they are the best places to sleep.

When I asked if they had any concerns they wanted to share with me Ringo complained that there's a draft at the windowseat and asked if I could fix that. Seamus would like what I'm not sure if is the baby food that he had a while back when he wasn't eating, or taco bell cheese. She said he was showing her what was like a smooth pureed type food. He loves him some taco bell nacho cheese, so I think it's that, but it might be the ham baby food too. When I asked if there were any OTHER concerns he had (since he's the one I'm more worried about) his only other concern was that he'd like that food tonight please. She said he was being cute but pushy :) She said the draft and more of that food are their only real issues, that they have a happy good life.

She also described their personalities- she said Ringo is cute, and knows it. Perfect! Seamus she said is handsome and has a good sense of humor but is pushy. The sense of humor part Ive never really noted, but the pushy part is totally true. When he wants to cuddle, we will cuddle NOW, whether I want to or not. When he wants to eat, drink, whatever, he makes it known. And he's literally pushy, head butting me till I give him what he wants.

Oh they both said they loved their Gramma, she said they have "warm gushy oatmeal feelings" towards her. Seamus said it's good when Aunt Michelle visits. Ringo said she can stay home. That made me laugh because the two of them have never really clicked. (I guess it's because she insulted him with petting him!)

It was good. Seamus re-confirmed that he has no inside pain at all, it's just that his "opening" burns after he poops and if I could just help him clean that he'd be very happy. (he does have trouble licking his own butt because of his big belly getting in the way) So I'm thinking baby wipes and maybe a little Vaseline and that's a hell of alot safer and cheaper than steroids with plavix!

I feel so much better. I think my gut was telling me that I was being overly worried about the poop issues and that's why I was so hesitant to start the steroids. I guess it's good that I trusted my gut!Im torn between telling our vet that we did this. Im not sure if she'd think it was all hooey and I was nuts or she'd believe in it. I can just as easily tell her Ive decided against the steriods due to the risks. And then say Ive noticed his anus is looking irritated and ask about diaper rash cream... We'll see :)

Oh I forgot one other funny thing- The curtain by their window seat keeps getting pulled down, but Im never home when it happens so I didnt know who was doing it, but I guessed it was Seamus because he's more into that window than Ringo. Well it's Ringo doing it after Seamus asks him to! Brats!

Oh and I asked why Seamus keeps eating string and crap and she said he said "I dont eat poop!" which made me laugh, because I meant crap like dustbunnies or woodchips that fall of the logs that are next to the fireplace and when I explained that, she said he said that if it's interesting looking or smelling, he wants to see what it is. And for strings, he just likes the way it feels in his mouth. Dork.

I have to say, many people might think this its nuts, but I have so much piece fo mind thanks to this, it was totally worth it. And if we werent all crazy we would go insane...

Posted by Acinom @ 7:19 PM :: (0) comments

Friday, February 09, 2007

 Kitty Cardiologist 6 month follow up

So today we went to the Kitty Cardiologist again. It went much quicker this time! We got brought back by a visiting vet student from RI who took a history and did a brief exam, and then the same tech as last time came in to do his bp (which is great at 140 btw). The coolest part of that was that the tech remembered us from 6 months ago. When I think of how many kitty tails she's seen in that time frame, it warms the cockles of my heart to know Seamus made that much of an impression.

Then the Cardiology fellow came in. She did an exam, and then said we were being "fast tracked" because they had some emergencies coming in. That meant that instead of waiting, we went straight back for his echo.

My little boy was such an amazingly wonderfully behaved kitty for it! Everyone loves him! In the echo was the cardiologist, the 4th year from RI, and 3 other random people, not sure if they were students or techs or what, and then at some point another cardiology fellow wandered in. Seamus just laid there and watched. It was cute, he actually raised his head to look at the screen. He made one teeny tiny protesting noise, but it was because the one girl was holding him down by his hips, and he doesnt like that. Once she moved her hand up a little, he was fine. Everyone couldnt stop commenting on how good and how sweet he is. He really is, it makes my heart swell with pride :)

The not so good news is there has been "mild to moderate progression" of the myopathy. He has "severe left ventricular free wall hypertrophy with remodeling of the endocardium. Papillary muscles appear fused. Moderate band present in left ventricle. Mild left atrial enlargement present. Small jet of mitral regurgitation."

Now the thing I dont quite get is that this sounds REALLY bad IMO, but they still have the final diagnosis as "Moderate hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" which is what it was before. So although they said "mild to moderate progression", he's still considered moderate disease overall. So Im taking it all as a good thing.

They didnt change his atenolol dose, but did add Plavix. He is at an increased risk of throwing a clot and we dont want that! We're not doing baby aspirin because he's going to start prednisone for his inflammatory bowel issues. He got the cardiac clearance for that.

Im somewhat torn on that, because a risk of the prednisone is progression of the heart condition. But the poopie issues seem to actually bother him, he gets this sorta sadness whe it's acting up, and so I think that's what's tipping the scale in the prednisone favor.

The primary care vet who's been treating his poopie problems for a year now said he may only need a short course, but more likely it'll be a more long term thing, but the does will be wicked tiny over time.

I know some people think Im crazy for caring so much about a cat. But those of you who get it- get it. He is my baby, he is the sweetest cat in the history of the world, and I would do anything for him.

The coolest part about our visit today is that it cost a third of what I anticipated! So the $400 that I had to spend on my car last week hurts a wee bit less because I figured that today was going to be $300 more, so that's like I only spent $100 on my car, and I had expected $30 of that anyway for the inspection (how much does it suck that you have to pay that much for inspection??), ergo it's like I only spent $70 on the car.

How's that for financial rationalization?

Now I dont feel as guilty for spending the money on a massage tomorrow ;)

Posted by Acinom @ 9:00 PM :: (1) comments

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

 "We apologize for the inconvenience"

So when I got home from work today I noticed the heat kick in as soon as I opened the door. I went into the front room to say hi to Seamus, who was in his window seat. I noticed then that the litterbox needed to be cleaned out, so I did that and then went into my bedroom to change. I flipped on the light and...nothing. I went to back to the bathroom and flipped that light- nothing. I looked at the clock- dark. Somehow, during the litterbox cleanage, the power went out.

I went to call the power company and realized that I had no idea what there number was. Like a dumbass I tried to check online. Yes, laptop has battery- but the modem or wireless router doesnt. So I had to try and find this thing that I think is mostly in museums now- I think it's called a "phonebook". I found one, and it was so old, that the number was wrong. Ok so I had to search for an old bill. I dont really pay attention to my paper bills because I have online billpay. After about 30 minutes, I found one!!

I called and was given an option for automated power outage reporting. I chose that option and they freaked me out a little because they knew my address. I guess caller ID, but this was an automaton I was talking to, not a human! Anyway, it told me that they apologized for the inconvenience and expected power to be restored at four......thirty. (picture that robot voice saying it) The robot then asked if I would like a call with a status update. I pressed one for SURE!

Ok, now I can handle this, it's about an hour from now. But Im starving. And have an electric stove, and microwave so I decided to run back out and grab some Taco Bell. I drive up to the corner, and what do I see, but about 3 Progress Energy trucks, and 4 police cars, lots o' flashing lights and a transformer that was in pieces. Ok, well that explains the power being out. I was impressed that that mess was going to be fixed in just an hour.

Fortunately, TB must have been on a different grid, because I got my dinner, came home, ate, and by now it was 415ish. The phone rang. It was my robot friend, apologizing for the inconvenience. It asked if my power was on yet. I pressed two for no. The apologized again and said it'd update my status as they could. Five minutes later, the phone rang again, yup, robot buddy with an update, and apologizing for the inconvenience. Robot now anticipated me to have my power back on by six for ty five p m.

I guess I cant complain, that's still not too far off. I have a fireplace, blankets and kitties, I have a book light, candles, and a belly full of taco bell, so Im coping well.

At four for ty my lights and heat came back on. YAY!!

At 4:45 my robot friend called to apologize for the inconvenience, and told me the status update- Id have my power back on by eight p m.

It didnt give me the option to press one if I had it back on yet, so I figured maybe it might go back off and on as they worked on it or something like that.

They just called again, apologizing for the inconvenience. Promising that this would be the last status update and would not bother me again, but they really are very sorry for any inconvenience. The new status update is Feb you ai ry Seventh at twelve A M. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So I guess it's ok that Mr. Robot wont be calling anymore, even though my power's been on for 5 hours.

All I have to say, is Progress Energy is a very apologetic company, who is on the ball with fixing stuff, but not so much with knowing that it was fixed.

Im happy though, because House is on now, and I have the power to actually watch it :)


Posted by Acinom @ 8:36 PM :: (0) comments

Thursday, February 01, 2007

 Winter in the south

We got about an inch this morning. The had anticipated ice, so the schools were closed for an inch of snow and then some rain.

Some very determined kids put their snow day to good use. Every flake of snow I think went into this. He was probably just under 2ft tall. I love seeing him next to the flowerpot. I think this picture is perfectly representative of a snow day in the south.

Posted by Acinom @ 9:20 PM :: (0) comments