Thursday, December 14, 2006
What is this???
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
the BEST service ever
Monday, December 11, 2006
Why do people do things just to hurt others?
Why cant they just live and let live if they have a problem with you?
Why can they get away with being mean and evil?
Why do the most useless people get promoted to management?
Why to people I care about keep having bullshit bad stuff happen to them?
Why does L wear so much disgusting perfume that bothers everyone, yet nobody says a word and she's too insensitive to realize she's making everyone sick?
Why are some people so thoughtless?
Why do these same people claim to be "Christians" and yet their words and actions the antithesis of what Christ taught?
Why am I focusing on the negative when I need to be more positive?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I missed a day. The first time in 40 days I didnt post. And you know what? I didnt even think of it yesterday. And when I realized this morning I was in a panic- till I remembered NaBloPoMo is over!
There was no reason for me not to post yesterday considering I spent the majority of the day sitting on my ass. I downloaded an incredibly stupid free trial game off of Pogo (they say it's for an hour but it's really till you quit after your hour is up) and played it for like 6 hours or something insanely pathetic. The worst part was the game wasnt even that great, but since Im pathetic I still played it till I finished it.
I watched season one of 21 Jumpstreet on DVD. In the bonus interviews Holly Robinson says something about how if you notice, every other decade's fashions have returned except for the 80's. And there's a good reason for that. And this series showed every single good reason why! The 80's were great though. They were my era. I did high school and part of college in the best decade. The music rocked (ok so it did at the time, and Ill never get past thinking that it still does!) and the fashion was...well... the music rocked! And the movies were great! And TV :) yeah, the 80's were like totally rad, fer shur!
Today I actually spent alot of money and got someone to come clean my apartment. It needed a good supercleaning since Ive been on injured reserve. She did an ok job, but I felt like for that money it should have sparkled or something. It was just as clean as Id do it myself, I guess I thought it would be ....more! But Im still happy. Poorer, but happy.
Tomorrow I will be even poor-er. Im also paying the grocery store to shop for me and deliver it. It's a $25 service fee for that, but I think it's worth it. But since I was spending that 25 bucks, I wanted to make it worthwhile, so I got $160 worth of groceries. But I dont have to carry them up the stairs to the penthouse, so that's a good thing :)
So this may seem like Im getting ready for something... And I am, but not the holidays! I believe I am going to be fixed! I saw the second opinion surgeon who said "I can fix you". And I wanted to hug him!! So it looks like I may be having surgery either Wed or Fri this week!! Im waiting to hear on approvals and stuff. I am trying not to get overly excited until Im being put under because Im scared that they will try and screw me with this too (workers comp is evil) but keep your fingers crossed for me! I could be good as new by the new year!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
So you know how yesterday I listed how I was googled and how people found me and commented on the men wearing panties thing that someone once used? Two (2!) people did that exact thing yesterday, one in Boston and one "unknown" location in the US.
So how likely is it that someone would google the exact same comment the same day that I remarked about it? I just think it's quite bizzare... Of course not as bizzare as people who are googling men wearing panties. I REALLY dont get that one...
Someone also googled Camp Hoover but didnt leave a comment. THAT makes me wicked sad. They apparantly were looking for words to the Camp Hoover song, which I TOTALLY could have helped them with. yes, Im a dork who still remembers all the songs. And I mean ALL the songs. I cant remember what all I meant to pick up at the store but I know the unit song for Cedar Ridge at Hoover by heart.
I love site meter. I cant wait to see how many more people google men wearing panties today since I talked about it AGAIN. :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Google me
So I love looking at Site Meter at all the fun ways people have found my site. The most popular over time involves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, who would have thought so many people would need to google them?
So I made a list of all the google hits out of the last 100 site meter visits and I thought Id share
-"I may be a chimney sweep but Ive got an enormous broom"
I have no idea why that hit here, I guess something to do with my little boy eating a broom?
-"Gymnastic movies from the 80's"
I feel bad now that I couldnt think of the name of it when I mentioned it on a friday shuffle that had the song Take it Easy. I know remember, American Anthem. Come back! Google me again! I know the answer now!
-"Nuc Med rvg nc clinic"
I wanna know where this rvg clinic is and if they're hiring ;)
-"school shower shy"
I know where the shy part is from but I never once mentioned school showers...
-"dealing with a shy cat"
aww, i think it's sweet someone cared enough to google to help their kitty.
um why didnt they just type it in, whyd they go through google??
-"grey roots on brown hair make me look balding"
nice to know Im not the only one!! I wish they had left a comment in solidarity!
-"vcr peanut butter butter and jelly sandwich"
what's the vcr part about im curious?
-"spinster with cats"
another one! or were they just trying to find me?
-"baby eaten vasaline"
this scares me
-"tell me why I dont like Mondays"
I hope they were looking for the song and didnt need help knowing why monday's suck ;)
-"numb3rs alleluia"
i didnt realize i had ever blogged about the show numb3rs, but I guess I had. last weeks repeat episode had an alleluia song at the end, i guess this is what they were looking for?
-"why am I still single?"
wow, someone needs to google to know this? Im curious if they figured out the answer...
-"LL Cool J tattoo reasons"
i dont know why it amuses me that someone googled LL and got my blog but it does :)
-"Dell Customer Advocate John"
yay! my stalker must be stalking someone else and they were trying to find out about him. Either that or he was googling himself to see what people were saying about him
So that's my most recent googles. My all time favorite scary one was "men wearing panties" which got to my post about a sting concert. Im guessing it wasnt what some perv was looking for. Im very scared that this is something that turns someone on...
Anyone else get found through some fun googles?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Im a cranky bitch
that's all i have to say right now, because if I say more, you'd have to agree.
Id rather people say "no, youre not a bitch!" (even if they are wrong)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
But Im not even supposed to BE here today
You know in Clerks when all that bad stuff happens and all Dante keeps saying is "but Im not even supposed to BE here today!" Yeah I know that feeling.
Ok so I guess Im supposed to be here, but Im not supposed to be HERE. Im doing a job that's not MY job because Im on injured reserve. And yesterday I was off as you all know if you read yesterday's post. Well I get in today and get slammed with people telling me how much they missed me. But no, they did not miss ME, they missed the job I do. Which isnt my job. And I just want to say "But Im not even supposed to BE here!" So when I get off injured reserve and go back to my real job, are people going to give me crap for not doing not my job?
I confess I truly hate doing not my job. I deal with stupid phone calls that arent anything I have anything to do with. But saying "But Im not even supposed to BE here" wouldnt cut it. I think I say the phrase "that's all done through centralized scheduling at x3419 now, let me transfer you" at least 60 times in one day. And, "no, you havent reached PVL, they are at 3109, let me transfer you", and "nope, this isnt EKG, that's 2290, let me transfer you" about 45 times a day each. I tell these people what the right number is thinking theyll call that next time, but they dont. Why, when I can be a switchboard for them? BUT IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!
So I need to take time off tomorrow and have already been given "but we'll miss you, we NEED you!" Um, but it's not my job and IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!
Monday, December 04, 2006
So this is what I heard at 1am this morning. It was someone pounding on my door. Now I dont answer my door unless I am expecting someone even in the daytime. I sure as hell dont at 1am. Particularly considering that often I dont quite wear pj's to bed. So I ignored it. And it didnt stop. SO I got up, got dressed and by then it stopped. I peered through and saw nobody. So I tried to go back to sleep. Yeah, that wasnt happening.
I then got scared thinking "what if it's emergency maintenance (downstairs likes to call them if their faucet is even dripping) and they went to get the key and are coming back? So I got up and started cleaning as best I could in case it was them, and because I knew I wouldnt be sleeping anyway. After about an hour I figured it was safe so I went back to sleep FINALLY.
At 4am when my alarm went off I knew I couldnt do it. I couldnt function on just a few hours sleep, oh yeah and without a shower because I was right, it was emergency maintenance and they had shut my water off.
So I called out of work and went back to sleep. I slept quite soundly till 8 am and those 4 hours were better than I can even express.
Got up at 8, cleaned up a little bit more (tough to really do the kitchen without water) but at least the place is somewhat presentable. Nothing like being forced into it to actually be productive. Not exactly how I wanted to get motivated, but Ill take what I can get.
So now Im miserably in pain, and going to take some nice pain killers and watch some "primetime in the daytime" and be sad because I didnt get any emails from Fussy.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Still obsessively checking email
Oh well. I guess it's still not too late... Maybe all of the "you win NaBloPoMo" emails will go out at the same time so nobody will leak the scoop.
A girl can dream, right?
In other news, Ringo put a pound back on so he doesnt need to make an appointment with the vet. Im hoping it means that the 7lb weight of last week was due to him not holding still enough to get an accurate weight. Seamus, on the other hand, stayed the same. Tell me, when do I give up with kitty weight watchers?
Oh well, Im off to pretend Im not obesssively waiting for an email...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I cant stay away!
I wasnt going to post today, but yet here I am!!
Now tell me why cant I develop good healthy habits like eating my veggies and working out?
I guess blog addiction is better than crack addiction though :)
I cant tell you how many times I hit refresh on fussy's site yesterday looking to see if there were results yet. Now Im obsessively checking my mail.
The sad part is that I know i wont win. I never do win stuff like this. One time in my life I did win a door prize, but I never got to collect it because the winner had to drive over an hour to pick it up and I just never got around to it :(
Who knows, maybe this time will be different? *crossed fingers*So today we bedazzled again. Im quite pleased with what I made for my sis and mom. Of course I cant post those pics in case they peek in here. I will show you the stabby sticks I made for myself though :) I love stabby sticks. My sister turned me on to them a few years ago and now they are pretty much the staple of how i wear my hair. It's funny- before I got into stabby sticks, I still would do my hair in a knot, but use a scrunchy. Nobody once complimented me on my hair. Once I started doing stabby sticks, I get regular compliments. I guess it's just that extra bit o' zing that makes it go from being an uptight bleh hairstyle to something pretty :) So I did a pink ribbon theme set this time.
Hmm. I just went to add the pic in and I dont see how to do that anymore! I switched to beta and I dont have that option? WTF? Ill try posting and editing and see if that works...
Ok odd. It worked. (obviously since there is a pic there now.)
I think I am not happy with blogger beta. I think it's also too late to go back. Oh well...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit
Happy December 1st!!
I dont remember who it was who started the Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit thing with me. I know it wasnt a family thing though, it was definitely a school friend. They told me if you say it on the first of a month you have good luck that month. If it's the first thing you say on that morning, it's even better. Now Im all about good luck, so I jumped on board.
I remembered it resurfaced again in college, someone then telling me that it was the first Wednesday of a month that you had to do it. Ok I can make allowances. But I confess that's harder to remember.
Anyway, I completely forgot about it till a few months ago I heard one of the radiologists I work with on the phone with her daughter saying "rabbit rabbit". Now I was confused because I knew it as 3 rabbits. We discussed, polled others, and found that nobody else in this state seemed to have a clue what we were talking about.
So of course I went to my good friend wikipedia who of course knew all about it.
“Rabbit rabbit” is a common superstition, held particularly among children. The most common modern version states that a person should say “rabbit, rabbit” upon waking on the first day of each new month, and on doing so will receive good luck for the remainder of that month. Some also extend it to three rabbits: “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,” which has some of the earliest written references.
So anyone else out there know about it?