Thursday, December 07, 2006

 Google me

So I love looking at Site Meter at all the fun ways people have found my site. The most popular over time involves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, who would have thought so many people would need to google them?

So I made a list of all the google hits out of the last 100 site meter visits and I thought Id share

-"I may be a chimney sweep but Ive got an enormous broom"
I have no idea why that hit here, I guess something to do with my little boy eating a broom?

-"Gymnastic movies from the 80's"
I feel bad now that I couldnt think of the name of it when I mentioned it on a friday shuffle that had the song Take it Easy. I know remember, American Anthem. Come back! Google me again! I know the answer now!

-"Nuc Med rvg nc clinic"
I wanna know where this rvg clinic is and if they're hiring ;)

-"school shower shy"
I know where the shy part is from but I never once mentioned school showers...

-"dealing with a shy cat"
aww, i think it's sweet someone cared enough to google to help their kitty.

um why didnt they just type it in, whyd they go through google??

-"grey roots on brown hair make me look balding"
nice to know Im not the only one!! I wish they had left a comment in solidarity!

-"vcr peanut butter butter and jelly sandwich"
what's the vcr part about im curious?

-"spinster with cats"
another one! or were they just trying to find me?

-"baby eaten vasaline"
this scares me

-"tell me why I dont like Mondays"
I hope they were looking for the song and didnt need help knowing why monday's suck ;)

-"numb3rs alleluia"
i didnt realize i had ever blogged about the show numb3rs, but I guess I had. last weeks repeat episode had an alleluia song at the end, i guess this is what they were looking for?

-"why am I still single?"
wow, someone needs to google to know this? Im curious if they figured out the answer...

-"LL Cool J tattoo reasons"
i dont know why it amuses me that someone googled LL and got my blog but it does :)

-"Dell Customer Advocate John"
yay! my stalker must be stalking someone else and they were trying to find out about him. Either that or he was googling himself to see what people were saying about him

So that's my most recent googles. My all time favorite scary one was "men wearing panties" which got to my post about a sting concert. Im guessing it wasnt what some perv was looking for. Im very scared that this is something that turns someone on...

Anyone else get found through some fun googles?

Posted by Acinom @ 8:10 AM