Friday, December 01, 2006

 Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Happy December 1st!!

I dont remember who it was who started the Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit thing with me. I know it wasnt a family thing though, it was definitely a school friend. They told me if you say it on the first of a month you have good luck that month. If it's the first thing you say on that morning, it's even better. Now Im all about good luck, so I jumped on board.

I remembered it resurfaced again in college, someone then telling me that it was the first Wednesday of a month that you had to do it. Ok I can make allowances. But I confess that's harder to remember.

Anyway, I completely forgot about it till a few months ago I heard one of the radiologists I work with on the phone with her daughter saying "rabbit rabbit". Now I was confused because I knew it as 3 rabbits. We discussed, polled others, and found that nobody else in this state seemed to have a clue what we were talking about.

So of course I went to my good friend wikipedia who of course knew all about it.

“Rabbit rabbit” is a common superstition, held particularly among children. The most common modern version states that a person should say “rabbit, rabbit” upon waking on the first day of each new month, and on doing so will receive good luck for the remainder of that month. Some also extend it to three rabbits: “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,” which has some of the earliest written references.

So anyone else out there know about it?

Posted by Acinom @ 6:48 AM

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Wow, I read about that in one of my Mom's Trixie Belden books when I was a kid, so it's been around since at least 40some odd years ago hehe.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 1:34 PM #
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