Monday, December 11, 2006


Why do people do things just to hurt others?

Why cant they just live and let live if they have a problem with you?

Why can they get away with being mean and evil?

Why do the most useless people get promoted to management?

Why to people I care about keep having bullshit bad stuff happen to them?

Why does L wear so much disgusting perfume that bothers everyone, yet nobody says a word and she's too insensitive to realize she's making everyone sick?

Why are some people so thoughtless?

Why do these same people claim to be "Christians" and yet their words and actions the antithesis of what Christ taught?

Why am I focusing on the negative when I need to be more positive?

Posted by Acinom @ 10:09 AM

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I hear you!! I work w/an older women who's personality is complete complaining bitch - all day/everyday. Plus she seems to think Im her personal whipping girl - wtf is up w/that?? - In general, I mean -
WTF is up w/people like this???
lol - I burned her some christmas music cds for her gift - for a joke!
Bah Humbug Old Lady Grinch!!!

Posted by Blogger ~ T (grits) ~ @ 8:59 AM #
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