Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I went to bed at 730 last night
Which would have been 830 if it had been last week. Not that that means that much, since 830 is pretty pathetic too.
I really dont understand why I have such issues with the early shift. I have a feeling they will be taking me off it soon, but then again, who knows. They dont tell me anything.
Working in a hostile work environment sucks. And apparently there's a new target for the hostility. A coworker was out for several months due to a broken foot and just came back yesterday. Already they are treating her like crap, and tried to get me to say bad things about her behind her back yesterday.
Im just waiting for karma to kick in soon...
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tell me why...I dont like Mondays
I never understood why this song wasnt more popular. If I were a radio DJ I would play this EVERY WEEK at least 3 times during my shift. Id open and close the show with it, play it once in the middle, AND Id probably play the chorus as I went out to commercial and came back from commercial.
Although now that I say that, I guess since it was inspired by a school shooting, maybe that's a good reason not to. And this was school shootings before it was trendy to do that.
Im not even going to start about these. I think what surprises me more than this huge rash of school shootings is that there are not more workplace shootings. Especially considering the reason the girl who that Boomtown Rats song was based on gave her reason for shooting up the school yard as "I dont like Mondays".
Because I REALLY dont. I did not get everything done that I wanted to do around the apartment this weekend. Plus, it's chilly and perfect cuddle with kitties weather. I would pay big money to stay in bed for a few more hours and not get dressed until after lunch. I bet if my cats had cash they would say the same thing.
Alas, we dont get a choice. I have to go get my booty in the shower and drag it into that hell known as work for 8.5 hours. The saddest part of all is that I have something to look forward to today after work. I have a doctors appointment. I know this doesnt sound exciting to most, but I have lived here in Raleigh for 16 months and still dont have a primary care doc. I tried to get one about a month ago and that didnt work out... (Did I post about that? If not, remind me, it's an amazing story)
So Im going to go see another primary care doc today. This one came highly recommended by one of the mammo techs Ive worked with. Her office is apparently very close to my home, she's a small practice, not a factory, and she saw Jen on a Sunday when she had an emergency. Let's hope this works out! Ive had what I think is a chronic sinus infection for several months causing headaches and balance issues, so Im hoping to get some antibiotics to kick it right out of my face pronto!
So off I go. Sad as it is, a doctor's appointment is what is motivating me today to go to work. Wow, things have got to change...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Giving into peer pressure once again
So a few years ago my mom and sister wouldnt stop talking about The Amazing Race. I had no choice but to start watching it because they made me feel very left out.
During Lost's first season my sister told me I needed to watch this show. I told her that I had enough TV shows, sorry. Well then a few weeks before season two started people at work were talking about it, and I gave in. A coworker loaned me the season one DVD's and I watched over 18 hours of Lost in one weekend so I could be caught up before the new season started. It's now my favorite show.
So fast forward to now. Everyone is trying to get me to start Gray's Anatomy. My sis even offered to buy me the first 2 season's DVD's for Christmas. Well yesterday I got the first disc from season one and watched the first 3 episodes. Ok FINE, everyone was right. Again, Im being sucked in by peer pressure. Now Im antsy for my next week's blockbuster coupon!
The most shocking thing is that I actually never did drugs.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Clueless or a Liar?
Today I had an experience that still boggles my mind. Someone who heard the exact same conversation as I did "heard" something completely different.
Now I know Im right. That sounds egotistical or something, but I know I am. I had a preliminary conversation with the third party before this other person became involved in it. I know what was said and it wasnt close to what this other person said was said.
Follow that? Im impressed!
Anyway, I wonder if she heard what she wanted to hear, if she interpreted stuff the way she wanted it to be, or if she just completely lied about it.
When I told her that she must have misunderstood, that was not what what said, she looked at me straight in the eye and told me that I must have misunderstood.
In most situations I would begin to doubt myself at this point (and I wonder if this was her goal) but I am confident based on the prior conversation without her that I know exactly what was said.
Im interested to see how this plays out. The pessimist in me thinks she's trying to manipulate the situation to get what she wants. I hope it was just the optimist in her that heard wrong.
It's hard to tell...
And if you followed this babbling- hats off to you!!!
I love oatmeal. And I dont just mean my traveling Teddy Bear, but I love him too. I mean the breakfast food. But the weird thing is, I will ONLY eat it in cold weather. I dont know why, but I just cant do if the temp is above 45 degrees. It stays with me all day without me getting hungry, it's yummy and cozy, but I will only eat it this time of year. I guess it's just another one of those weird food quirks I have.
Another one I have that people dont get is that I will not drink hot drinks first thing in the morning. Doesnt matter what time of year, I just wont do it. Give me an iced tea or a soda or a big ol glass of milk. No coffee or hot tea for me! I will have a hot drink later on, but never early.
Go figure. I realize I mentioned Oatmeal, the traveling bear, and I thought maybe I should share exactly who he is.
"The Oatster" is a bear Ive had since high school. Anytime I travel anywhere overnight, he comes. He has been to 30 different states but only 2 countries. Ive only been to three myself, but Mexico was only day trips, so he stayed behind.
Usually he's ok with being tucked in a suitcase, but often I will have him out on my lap. Surprisingly, I dont get strange looks being a 30-something woman carrying a teddybear with her. People are more interested in an introduction. Go figure.Oatster has a stuffed friend too. His name is Eager Beaver and they met in the dorms in college. Oatster and Eagmeister have been known to send postcards to each other when they go somewhere cool. Eager's postcards always feature the local wood of the area. I cant imagine why ;)
I love that nobody has ever thought it odd that I say I have to find a post card for my bear to send to his beaver friend. (Or if they have, theyve kept it to themselves!)
So I love Oatmeal, the food, AND Oatmeal, the bear!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Ginni
I knew it had been a while since I updated, but I did not realize how long it had been! Ive been composing great entries in my mind, but I just havent had the energy to put them here. How sad is that? Im in a wee bit of a funk.
Some bad things happened lately to good people. I dont understand this. I've learned one thing working in healthcare- the better person you are, the higher your risk factor for cancer. I dont get it, but it's true. There are pedephiles and animal abusers and people who defraud seniors who are completely healthy. Why dont they get the bad luck?
I guess this sounds like someone I care about was just diagnosed but fortunately it's not true. However 2 people that I know have lost people they care about to senseless accidents.
The wife of one of the radiologists at my hospital was killed immediately by a guy who stole a car and ran a red light. This guy had a record of over 100 offenses. Yet he was on the road and had a chance to kill a mother of two, a nurse who did volunteer work.
A woman from another internet community I frequent was killed when she was riding her beloved horse and was apparantly hit by a logging truck. She was the mother of two who ran her own successful business out of her home.
So there's my depressing post for the morning. Or I guess I should say mourning.Today is also the birthdate of a friend lost to breast cancer a little over a year ago. I am still friends with her sister and her greif is palpable and it hurts me to see how much she hurts. Again, bad stuff/good people. It sucks.
I am asking please, can good things happen to good people for a while now? thanks.