Monday, October 16, 2006
I love oatmeal. And I dont just mean my traveling Teddy Bear, but I love him too. I mean the breakfast food. But the weird thing is, I will ONLY eat it in cold weather. I dont know why, but I just cant do if the temp is above 45 degrees. It stays with me all day without me getting hungry, it's yummy and cozy, but I will only eat it this time of year. I guess it's just another one of those weird food quirks I have.
Another one I have that people dont get is that I will not drink hot drinks first thing in the morning. Doesnt matter what time of year, I just wont do it. Give me an iced tea or a soda or a big ol glass of milk. No coffee or hot tea for me! I will have a hot drink later on, but never early.
Go figure. I realize I mentioned Oatmeal, the traveling bear, and I thought maybe I should share exactly who he is.
"The Oatster" is a bear Ive had since high school. Anytime I travel anywhere overnight, he comes. He has been to 30 different states but only 2 countries. Ive only been to three myself, but Mexico was only day trips, so he stayed behind.
Usually he's ok with being tucked in a suitcase, but often I will have him out on my lap. Surprisingly, I dont get strange looks being a 30-something woman carrying a teddybear with her. People are more interested in an introduction. Go figure.Oatster has a stuffed friend too. His name is Eager Beaver and they met in the dorms in college. Oatster and Eagmeister have been known to send postcards to each other when they go somewhere cool. Eager's postcards always feature the local wood of the area. I cant imagine why ;)
I love that nobody has ever thought it odd that I say I have to find a post card for my bear to send to his beaver friend. (Or if they have, theyve kept it to themselves!)
So I love Oatmeal, the food, AND Oatmeal, the bear!
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