Thursday, December 20, 2007

 Another 100

I've been putting this post off a few days because it's my 200th and so I feel somewhat compelled to do another 100.

Unfortunately, I've been having trouble getting inspired but I feel like I need to just try, because otherwise it'll be way too long before I post again. So here goes...

  1. I have had this blog for 17 months.
  2. This is my 200th post.
  3. That means I averaged out to post almost 12 times per month.
  4. I wish I were more motivated to post more regularly.
  5. I wish I were more motivated to do a lot of things.
  6. Sometimes, I am very lazy and it annoys me.
  7. Procrastinating is an art I excel at.
  8. In 8th grade I made a giant paper mache pencil that won the blue ribbon at some art contest thing.
  9. My mom is slowly purging crap stored up in her attic and recently pitched said pencil. It made me sad.
  10. I have no desire to have that pencil here though.
  11. I also recently received a big ol storage bin that had been up there full of random memories.
  12. I laughed a LOT looking through it all.
  13. Now I don't know what to do with any of it.
  14. How can a person throw out a stuffed animal they had since they were 6 without guilt?
  15. I still sleep with a teddy bear every night.
  16. I've mentioned him before here, and his picture is posted with his friend, Eager Beaver.
  17. My bear travels with me and likes to send his beaver friend postcards.
  18. Eager also sends post cards to my bear.
  19. I often wonder when I get these what the postal carrier thinks when they see something addressed to "Oatmeal" and signed by a Beaver.
  20. I hope that they appreciate it.
  21. I am most likely going to be traveling soon for work.
  22. Oatster will come with me.
  23. There is a scary possibility that I will be living in Montana for 13 weeks.
  24. I have never been to Big Sky country before.
  25. I'm not sure I want to live there through a winter.
  26. I can't imagine anything worse than Vermont in the winter though.
  27. Did I ever mention that I HATED living in Vermont? Yeah, I know I did, but it's worth repeating.
  28. I currently have on that "Clash of the Choirs" pathetic excuse for reality tv.
  29. I am hoping the writer's strike ends soon!
  30. I don't think Patty LaBelle has that nice of a voice.
  31. She butchered "Somewhere over the Rainbow" IMO.
  32. Wizard of Oz is one of my all time favorite movies.
  33. Because of this, everyone tends to give me WoO stuff.
  34. I have enough WoO ornaments on my Christmas tree to do a theme tree.
  35. I didn't do a theme tree though because I have guilt if I don't use all of my ornaments.
  36. My mom and sis and I have been giving each other ornaments every year since we were kids.
  37. I have more ornaments than my tree can hold, but they make me happy!
  38. This year I decorated my tree with my neighbor.
  39. And then the next weekend we decorated her tree.
  40. I love that neighbor.
  41. Often she and I have religious/spiritual discussions.
  42. I love that I can do that with her without it turning ugly like it could with other people.
  43. I was raised Catholic.
  44. I don't go to church really anymore.
  45. I did go for Easter.
  46. I'll probably go for Christmas.
  47. I don't agree with a lot of the doctrine.
  48. But I do have a personal relationship with God.
  49. IMO, that's what's more important than religion.
  50. I'm halfway done, which is good because I'm stuck right now.
  51. I just reread my first 100 for inspiration.
  52. It didn't really help much, but that might be because I am tired.
  53. Speaking of tired, I have narcolepsy.
  54. I was diagnosed 7 years ago, but I believe that the symptoms started when I was in High School.
  55. I did my sleep study and MSLT at Johns Hopkin's.
  56. I am glad that I was diagnosed there because it carries a lot of weight with new doctors.
  57. I cheated during my MSLT and napped in between naps.
  58. I wonder how the results would have been if they knew that!
  59. Even without them knowing that, they still ended the test early because I was so screamingly obviously narcoleptic.
  60. So maybe they knew...but I have a copy of the 4 page report and it's not mentioned.
  61. I used to be almost embarrassed to admit that I am narcoleptic.
  62. I got over that.
  63. It's a neurological disorder, not a psychiatric one.
  64. If I had epilepsy I wouldn't be embarrassed, so why should I be of this?
  65. I love my neurologist that I found here in NC.
  66. She lets me tell her what I need.
  67. I guess if I was asking for something crazy she wouldn't give it to me though.
  68. Before I started taking the meds I needed for this, I thought that they would affect me the way they would affect normal people.
  69. They don't.
  70. Rather than make me speed, they make me normal.
  71. Oh well.
  72. Narcolepsy is NOTHING like it is portrayed in Hollywood.
  73. Cataplexy often occurs along side Narcolepsy and that is more like the Hollywood version, but not really.
  74. Fortunately, I have very mild Cataplexy.
  75. Only one person ever actually noticed me have an episode.
  76. And it was on the phone... very impressive.
  77. If you want to know more about Narcolepsy or Cataplexy, please ask me. I like to educate.
  78. But I don't like to teach people who don't want to know.
  79. And I have no tolerance for stupid people.
  80. I had my IQ tested in college.
  81. It was high :)
  82. I can be a total ditz sometimes too though.
  83. I like to pretend it's because my brain is so full there's no room for mundane.
  84. I confess it's probably because I just don't pay attention enough.
  85. I'm very amused because spell check said Narcolepsy was spelled wrong, so I checked to see what it suggested and it suggested Nympholepsy.
  86. I'm not sure what Nympholepsy is, but it sounds like fun.
  87. Now I'm thinking about what I could share about sex that isn't TMI.
  88. Instead I'll say that I think I have been in love 4 times.
  89. If you had asked before it happened if I believed in love at first sight, I would have said no.
  90. But I experienced it. Alas, that love was not meant to be.
  91. Well let me take that back... That love was meant to be friendship.
  92. Yes, Andrew, I'm talking about you :)
  93. I miss being in love.
  94. The last time I was in love was too long ago.
  95. Sometimes I think I will never find love again and that makes me depressed.
  96. I've been a little depressed lately, but not about my lack of love-life.
  97. I'm stressed over work and money stuff.
  98. I haven't worked in a LONG time and I'm about to start again.
  99. I guess I won't be watching as much daytime TV.
  100. I'll miss watching Montel.

And there you go, another 100!!

And now I'm going to go read for a bit and then hit the hay... I have to be up early tomorrow. Rah.

Posted by Acinom @ 8:28 PM

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Hiya Mon!
Are you still maybe going to Montana??
I wanna hear about this!

Posted by Blogger ~ T (grits) ~ @ 11:37 PM #
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