Saturday, November 13, 2010

 Depressing thoughts this morning...

Being a spinster crazy cat lady leaves me with a few fears, and one is that I will die alone in my apartment from some ridiculous accident (yes, I've seen too many episodes of Six Feet Under) and nobody will find my body till the neighbors notice the smell...

And this morning as I was trying to stay asleep at 6am on a Saturday and two kittehs thought that I should be up, I realize that when they find my body, I will also be missing a nose and be incredibly bruised on my left side.

Seamus head butts my side till I lift the blanket for him to come cuddle.

Ringo licks my nose till I give him the attention he demands.

As if a dead, bloated body isn't enough, it has to be a noseless one.

Please let me die in public!

Posted by Acinom @ 10:37 AM

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LMAO! I'm always afrid that Daphne will trip me on the way down the stairs, and not only will I be bloated and smelly, I'll be in a very unladylike position.

Posted by Blogger Maria @ 7:22 AM #
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