Tuesday, November 17, 2009

 Newton's first law

a body in motion stays in motion; a body at rest stays at rest.

This is not just true in physics, it's true in my life. It seems when I start going after stuff and try to make things happen, things actually start to happen.

I recent mentioned making changes and all these sudden opportunities seem to be rolling in.

And what I think may happen is that the smallest of the changes is the one that I hope works out at this point.

Later, bigger chances will happen for sure, but for now, I think I'm going to take baby steps.

Then again, if it doesn't work how I plan, we'll see.

But either way, steps. Forward motion, staying in motion :)

Posted by Acinom @ 3:44 PM

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I agree! I notice when I sit my butt on the couch to hang out with the laptop I'll stay there for hours. If I move my computer to the bar height counter I'll stand there for a few minutes, then do dishes, gather laundry, go outside - just the act of standing while computering keeps me moving more.

I'm glad to hear that more good things are coming to you :)

Posted by Blogger Kristin - The Goat @ 11:13 AM #
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