Tuesday, November 03, 2009

 I may need to use this method more often

I need to make commitments and have accountability to get off my ass and do things sometimes. It nagged at me all day that I had promised to show the pic of my counter, and so I finally forced myself to do it. And now I'm really happy :) Look at how nice and clean it looks!!

Tomorrow, expect a picture of an empty laundry basket!!

So in other news, there really is no news. I spent the afternoon IMing with a friend from my past who's into interesting geek-like activities* and she was telling me about Steam Punks. I had never heard of them before, here's an explaination...

Steampunk is a sci-fi genre based on an alternate universe in which technology advanced along mechanical lines, not digital as we have today. It generally refers to a culture with technology powered by steam, often with dark, grim and dystopian themes.

Steampunk is derived from the fashion and technology of the Victorian era, but frequently includes aspects from other eras and cultures such as the wild west cowboys and swashbuckling pirates. Steampunk fashion uses accessories and attention to detail that conveys the use of technology through mechanical means.

For pictures, here is a Steampunk Fashion Show.

I love that I have friend's with such varied interests. I wonder if I'd have the balls to dress up in one of these outfits and sell it like these people can. I'd like to think I could, but I don't know. I think I've become somewhat lame in my old age. Plus I'm more likely to rock a tiara and boa then peacock feathers ;)

So who else out there has heard of this or something similar? I wanna see more!

*do not take offense to my calling her and her activities a geek. She is actually a member of a local chapter of a Geek Society and recently went to a Geek Gala. :)

Posted by Acinom @ 4:53 PM

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I don't think I would be able to dress up like those folks. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to clothing.

Congrats on the clean counter!!

Posted by Blogger Kristin - The Goat @ 12:48 PM #
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