Saturday, February 21, 2009

 My mind's got a jukebox with a mind of it's own...

So lately one of my favorite facebook games is "Name that Tune". It has really made me appreciate the musical tastes of some of my friends :) It's also fun trying to think of new ones, and going through my musical catalog mentally to choose. I am a bit eclectic in my tastes, and I like it that way. I recently have decided that I need to download some of the songs I forgot existed. Now this is a bit of a challenge since I've forgotten them, but it's also fun :)

Today I downloaded songs by Bobby Brown, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and Temple of the Dog. Random? Not in my mind :) One memory spurred all of these memories!

Today I was also talking with a friend about some guys who were in Imbroglio- the band I mentioned here in the past. Well apparently the one guy is still making music. I googled him and WOW I love his stuff! He also has a bit of a blog on his myspace page and I found one of his entries of his amazingly moving.

Songs are place. Next to smells—and they are far rarer—it is a song that has inimitable ability to put you RIGHT THERE where it happened. Like the random dream of a long-lost lover, you don't get to pick what songs or what time, but it happens and unless you intentionally do something about it, it's forever.

Go read the whole thing, then listen to some of his music and be a fan :)

Posted by Acinom @ 7:16 PM