Friday, February 20, 2009

 It's a Small World Afterall...

So for anyone who saw the comments back and forth on yesterday's post you'll see that it turns out that I most likely had met the Tasty Crumbs author. Weird, eh?

I have a confession to make- it was very hard for me to give the details of who I was so that he could figure out if he knew me. And I say who I was not who I am because that's the reason it was so hard.

My freshman year at Hofstra I was young. (duh) And stupid. Way stupid. I made some bad choices, did a lot of things that I wish I hadn't. And I really don't want to be associated with that girl anymore. I don't really like who she was, and I'd hate for anyone to think that I am her still.

Now I learned by going to my 20 year reunion that pretty much everyone I know is a different person than they were back in high school (or the first year out of high school). And it seems like most people forgive and forget other's stupidity. It would be nice if I could forgive myself though...

I try and live with no regrets, but there are some things from that time if I could go back I would do differently. But I can't go back... so I guess I just need to appreciate the fact that choices I made then helped me to learn, and to grow, and to become the person I am now. And I dig her :)

Posted by Acinom @ 1:46 PM

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It's the people who AREN'T different that you have to worry about. If you learn from your mistakes, then it's all worth it. I know it has been for me.

Posted by Blogger fergojisan @ 1:22 PM #

I look back on most of my time at Hofstra with scorching, red faced embarrassment. I discovered my transcript in a pile of papers at work the other day, and I was mortified. I'm going to be paying for that degree until I'm a wizened old man, and the transcript is peppered with D's and C-'s. I barely put the effort in. It's a miracle I graduated.

Posted by Blogger vernond369 @ 6:57 PM #

Ferg- srsly! There was a very small, but very obvious group at my reunion which clearly hadn't risen above. I pity them.

Vern- I hear ya! I was recently considering subbing during my between gigs times and for that had to get my transcripts. Oy. But I did have fun, and learn a lot socially if not academically :) I feel ya!

Posted by Blogger Acinom @ 7:16 PM #
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