Thursday, February 19, 2009

 All things blog

So while I was taking a hiatus from blog posting, I was pretty much also taking a break from blog reading. So today I decided to catch up on a few. First I went ahead and visited CakeWrecks and literally laughed so fully and loudly that Ringo came in to see what was wrong with me. For those of you who are not familiar with this blog, you should visit it whenever you need to cheer yourself up a bit. As the title implies, this is a blog about Cakes. Wrecked. And not in the typical "Tiger knocked over the table that the wedding cake was on and it toppled over and Mr. Brady caught it but then when Carol tried to kiss him to thank him he fell over and it landed in his face" kind of way. These are cakes that were created by professional cake artists. And yet... My favorites are not the gawd awful CCCs (cup cake cakes) or the artistically challenged ones, but the ones with the illiterate inscriptions. But I have to say, some of the captions with the pictures are pant-peeing worthy! Please go to this blog, and spend several hours reading the entire thing. But don't drink while you're reading as you will spray the beverage through your nose onto the computer screen.

Another blog I hadn't been to in a while is not a major one with a huge audience like CakeWrecks, but is a small one which is really intended just for his friends I believe. I, unfortunately, am not one of his friends. I don't even remember how I happened to find this blog, but I stumbled upon it one day and enjoyed it enough to bookmark it. Tasty Crumbs is written by a guy who I have figured out based on stuff he says that I actually could have known, and perhaps may have even met. It seems we both went to Hofstra at the same time. Go figure. Either way, he cracks me up. One word I would use to describe his tone often is "sardonic". Not a huge fan of our past president, you could always a fun cartoon or acerbic piece of prose about him. But this blog is far more than just about politics. Vern is a well rounded guy who also has great posts about music, books, or memories. He recently had a fabulous post about U2 and I was happy to hear that he agrees when they peaked. Last weekend I was listening to some of my favorite old U2 (War, Unforgettable Fire) and marvelling at the sublime inspiration of this music, and how as the band got more commercial, the stuff got less inspirational, and honestly, kinda began to suck.

The other blogs I read are only those of friends. I read them both as a way to keep up with them but also because I have really funny friends. So I have updated my bookmarks on this laptop (yeah, that was part of my reason for being behind) and will try and not stray so long.

And I know this is pretty much a monthly thing I say, but I'll try and write more here too :)

Posted by Acinom @ 1:21 PM

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Thanks for the kind words! My blog is really for everyone, I just don't know that many people. You went to Hofstra!? In that case, we probably at some point at least clashed elbows trying to get to the bathroom at McHebe's...

Posted by Blogger vernond369 @ 3:44 PM #

Hey- don't know if you'll check back and get this reply or not...

But I only went to Hofstra my freshman year, and so even though I had a fake ID, the only time I think I went to McHebe's was for mixers...

Yes, I was a sorority chick! Pledged fall 87...

Posted by Blogger Acinom @ 3:48 PM #

What sorority? I was in KDR. So I was drunk and stoned for most of college.

Posted by Blogger vernond369 @ 4:07 PM #

when did you pledge?

I'm a Sigma... and I knew a lot of your brothers back then- first semeseter I lived next door to Gore, Adam, Elmer and AJ

Posted by Blogger Acinom @ 4:10 PM #

I pledged in Spring of 88, so I knew all of those guys. AJ was my Big Brother. Not in the George Orwell sense, but you know what I mean...

Posted by Blogger vernond369 @ 4:26 PM #


So even though second semester I lived in the Sigma dorm in the Netherlands, there is still a good chance that we did meet in the past :)

Weird that 20 years later I found your blog and we both are living in the triangle. Strange world we live in :)

Posted by Blogger Acinom @ 4:38 PM #
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