Thursday, November 20, 2008

 YAY! Tagged in a meme!

So my good friend at STACYVERB tagged me in a meme. This makes me happy because I donut have to think as hard tonight :) But I'm trying to write it and sucking at coming up with 8 so I'm changing it to 5, shh don't tell...

8 (-3) TV Shows I watch

  1. Lost
  2. House
  3. Survivor
  4. Grey's Anatomy
  5. Friday Night Lights

8 (-3) Favorite Restaurants
  1. Melting Pot
  2. Pei Wei
  3. PF Changs
  4. Humphrey Pete's in Brownwood, TX
  5. That little Italian place a few blocks from me who's name I can't think of at this time

8 (-3) Favorite Singers/Bands
  1. Sting
  2. The Police
  3. The Alarm
  4. Fiction Plane
  5. Dar Williams

8 (-3) Books I have read recently (or in my case, currently working on)
  1. Broken Window by Jefferey Deavers (actually reading it right now)
  2. Broken Prey John Sandford
  3. Darkest Fear Harlan Coben
  4. Hidden Prey by John Sandford
  5. Human Radiation Experiments (for CEU's, currently doing course)

8 (-3) Things that happened yesterday (this really shows how little of a life I have!)
  1. I read
  2. I napped
  3. I watched 90210 online
  4. I cooked meals for my mom and myself
  5. I spent too much time on Facebook

8 (-3) things I am looking forward to
  1. My mom being better
  2. My uncle being better
  3. My next work gig
  4. Finishing the book I'm reading
  5. Starting the next book I have

8 (-3) things I wish for
  1. Good health for my kitties
  2. Good health and strength to keep not smoking for my mom
  3. Good health for my uncle
  4. Another work gig pronto
  5. Love and happiness for all those I care about

8 (-5) people I am tagging
  1. AJ at Cranial Vault
  2. Gritsy at Scrambled Grits
  3. reffineJ at Kitten Whore

Good luck y'all! Feel free to do the 8 like you're supposed to!

Posted by Acinom @ 6:30 PM