Sunday, November 23, 2008

 That's what dreams are made of

So I'm a very vivid dreamer. I also have these places that I visit often in my dreams. There are 2 different houses that as far as I know I have never been to in my real life, but I am there often in dreams. I really wonder, is it possible that I was there once and my subconscious remembers all of the details even though my conscious mind remembers none? Or could a previous life actually be a possibility? It's weird.

Then there are places that I know my mind has created even though they are not what I see them as. Recently I've had several dreams that took place in "Baltimore". Now I lived near there for several years, worked in the city, I know the place well enough to know that where I am going in my dreams is not the reality that is Baltimore, and yet, in my dreams I know it well and know that it is...I even went to an O's game- although it was not Camden Yards. It's so odd.

Then there are the people... I'm pretty sure everyone does this- where people morph- it starts out as someone but changed into someone else- or it's someone you "know" but it looks nothing like you know that person to look? It's so odd.

Last night my friend I had dinner with and I were discussing someone who tried to kiss me but I did not want to nor consider kissing back. Last night in my dream, I kissed him, but it wasn't him. This guy had his name, but looked and acted nothing like him, nor was the situation remotely similar to the one discussed or any I have ever been in with this guy. So who was this guy really? I know the dream stemmed from that conversation, or did it? Did just the name of this guy come from that conversation and it would have been the same dream but he would have been named something else?

I wish there was a way to video record my dreams so I could watch them when I was awake and maybe have a better clue about what happened, rather than just vague impressions upon waking.

But then again, that'd be skeery to think that anyone else could possibly monitor my dreams then. I like that those times are mine alone. And usually they rawk :)

Posted by Acinom @ 6:36 PM