Monday, July 07, 2008

 Did I even mention I hate waiting? And not knowing? And waiting to know?

Ugh. So my mom is supposed to have surgery. Before she has her surgery they want her to get a CT. Before she has the CT she had to get bloodwork. I'm trying to be in NJ for the CT and surgery. This was supposed to be happening ASAP 2 weeks ago.

I'm supposed to get my carpets cleaned. I'm trying to schedule this for when I'm in NJ so the cats and I don't have to deal with it. Before we go though I need to move everything I can that's on carpet onto floors.

Wednesday is when I scheduled to have my floors done, expecting to be in NJ last week. Well the lab took forever to get my mom's bloodwork back. And now the CT people still don't have it, just her doctor does, so we are waiting for the doc to fax to CT so she can schedule her appointment.

In the meantime, Ive moved almost everything I can, except for the big things. I don't want to be living with my desk and big chair in the kitchen, so the plan is to do it last minute.

So now since she still doesn't have her appointment set up, do I still go on Wednesday up to Jersey and hang for who knows how long while waiting for this all to happen, or do I try and reschedule my carpet cleaning but then find out right after I do that everything is scheduled for Friday?

I am usually a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl, but this is really getting to me. I also don't know if I might get a work gig while I'm up there that I'd have to go straight from there, so I also have to pack as if that could happen.

So I thought I'd come here and vent for a bit, and then read for a while, and then go back to moving stuff into the kitchen. When it's all done I'll take a picture because it's already quite scary :) I do think this is a good thing though in a way, because I think as I go to put stuff away I might purge some of it. I have too much crap. I also think I might rearrange the layout of the front room when I put everything back.

But I still wish I had a timeline for everything. Bleh.

In good news though, I got my car inspected and oil changed today and it passed inspection :) Rah.

Posted by Acinom @ 6:01 PM