Thursday, May 22, 2008

 Step away from the Cookie...

And I don't mean the tasty treat. Or maybe I do?? ;)

I have spent today searching the web for all things David Cook.

I have rewatched his coronation on youtube several times. I have read a bajillion posts on TWOP. I read or watched every piece of media coverage I could find. I even added him as a myspace friend.

I even love the super cheesy rainbows song that he sings. The song sucks, but his voice gives me goosebumps. And I know that the rest of his stuff doesn't and won't suck. (I downloaded Analog Heart too)

Everything I watch and read makes him just seem like such a great guy. Wouldn't it be awesome if that is actually true? I just hope that he really doesn't start dating Kimberme Caldwell! If I can't have him, I at least want him with someone not so freaking annoying. But maybe he would consider an older woman? ;)

And now I'm going to go watch him on Leno :)

After that I'll stop. For tonight. Maybe...

Posted by Acinom @ 11:34 PM