Saturday, April 26, 2008

 Z is for Zooba

Wow! I made it 26 days! Now I just need to figure out what to do with the last 4 of the month...

Anyway, Zooba doesn't exactly exist now as they have now changed their name to BOMC. Ok, I confess I first typed BMOC, which would actually be Doug Simpson, Big Man on Campus. But it actually stands for Book of the Month Club.

I was a member of Zooba for a while and I really liked it. You see, I much prefer to read and own hard cover books. Of course this is usually cost prohibitive. My most common way of taking care of this was to shop the clearance/sale racks at Barnes and Nobles and pick them up for 5 or 6 bucks. But alas, for those books you have to wait till they have been out forever, and usually till they are actually being released in paperback to find them there. And then you might not find your favorite authors, so that's a gamble.

Then I found Zooba. New released Hardcover books, $9.95 with free shipping! They way it worked is that you made a queue (not unlike Netflix or Blockbuster) and at the beginning of each month they would send you what was the top of your queue. If at any time you wanted to pick up some extras, you could do that too, same price, free shipping. This worked great for me for many months.

Well when the card I had on file with them expired they asked me to update it. So I did. But then every month they keep asking me to update it. However, if I order something not on auto ship, they use the new card and are quite happy. But somehow they can't figure out that card should be used for the autoship too. But I confess, this makes me happy. With trying to cut down on expenses I don't necessarily want a new book every month if I'm picking just because. But now whenever one of my favorite authors has something come out, I can order it and get it for the good price :) So yes, Zooba, your ineptitude has made me appreciate your service even more!

And now I'm off to reread a hardcover book that I got immediately after it's release by one of my favorite authors :)

Posted by Acinom @ 8:48 PM