Saturday, April 05, 2008

 E is for Egad!

I had two other E's I was pondering using, and maybe I'll do some extra E's since I do have 4 extra days this month.

But right now I'm watching the Carolina game and EGAD they are in trouble!

I have never seen them play worse. Granted, Kansas is kicking serious defensive ass, but I think it's also that the 'Heels are sucking serious offensive ass that combined is making this happen.

My sister's comment- "I think it's called choking".

I hope this time out gave Roy Williams the opportunity to kick so booty so they actually get into this game and save it for themselves.

Egad. :(

*****Updating****** 8:58pm
Maybe they heard me? They're doing a bit better. And these guys have a history of coming out in the second half with new found energy and drive! I'm not giving up on them :)

well crap. They were rawking, got within just a few, and then it seems like it's falling apart again. My heart is breaking :(

I'm sad. But I guess on the bright side we know now that Tyler probably won't go pro early because he really wants this win. And in other good news we don't have to worry about mayhem ensuing on Monday. Trying to look on the bright side...

Posted by Acinom @ 9:34 PM