Wednesday, March 12, 2008

 Hannibal Lechter Kitty and the Biggest Loser Kitty....

So we had our annual vet visit this week. I know I've mentioned before that Ringo is not exactly the best behaved vet-going kitty cat. He has a big fat orange sticker on his chart "CAUTION- WILL BITE!". So this time they came ready and armed. The tech had on those big ass dog handling gloves, and they put a scary mask that the Vet called "what all the well dressed S&M kitties are wearing this year". Is it wrong that I laughed my ass off and took pictures?

Then with my poor
little boy they were proud that he's down from 24 to 18lbs, but want him down even more. The office is doing a "Biggest Loser" contest and suggested he be entered. They took his picture from the front and then from above. So sad :( I took this picture on our porch that I think would have been even better! Poor fluffy kitty cat :( I hope he can win though :)

Posted by Acinom @ 4:54 PM