Sunday, December 02, 2007

 Two out of Three Ain't Bad

So this morning while having some tea and breakfast I flipped on the TV for some company. I came across a special about Meatloaf. They were showing clips from a recentish concert interspersed with bits of interviews.

This is what I have learned this morning about Mr. Loaf:

  • Unlike some rockstars, (i.e. Sting, Bon Jovi) he has NOT aged well (on stage moreso- in the interview it's not as obvious).
  • Unlike some rockstars, (i.e. Sting, almost everyone else I've seen who are not young) he seems to suck live now.
  • He picked up Charles Manson as a hitchhiker way back when.
  • He hated being a rockstar.
  • He is still quite engaging when speaking and interviewing.
  • He actually looks like a totally normal guy now in the interviews. I don't think I would recognize him if I was standing in line behind him in a Starbucks.

Here's what I already knew about Meat...

  • Back in college I was obsessed the song Two out of Three... I think I managed to piss off my entire dorm floor and force them all to start hating that song because I over played it. It seemed the appropriate song for the occasion though. I had been dating this guy for about a month who always made a point of saying how much he wanted and needed me. Then he introduced me to his girlfriend when she was up to visit from his hometown. After this, my friends and I always just referred to him as "Dickhead", as if that was his actual name.
  • There used to be a drag queen in the Johnstown, PA area who went by the name "Sandy Beach". I never met her but I always think of her when I hear that line in that song.
  • Bat out of Hell is some of the best roadtrip music in the history of the world IMO.
  • Remember cassettes? I had Bat out of Hell copied on one side of one, and on the other I had the Best of The Eagles. Also a fab roadtrip album.
  • I was also obsessed with "Best of My Love" by the Eagles. ("Every morning I wake up and worry what's going to happen today") Between those two songs, both on the same cassette, that tape got eaten one day by my boom box. I think that the tape player was also sick of those songs.
What an educational and reminiscent morning for me!

I'm not sure if I mentioned Bon Jovi as a well aged rocker because they had mentioned he was coming up next, or if it was just coincidence, but I started typing this as the Meatloaf thing ended, and now Jon is on my screen and I just have to say "wow"! IMO he looks better now than he did back in the "Slippery When Wet" days.

Oh something that amused me the other day... I had to call one of the collegiate women. It seems that a popular thing now is to have the caller listen to some song of the callee's choosing rather than the sound of ringing. Well this woman had "Living On a Prayer" as her ringing tone (or whatever that's called). She's 19. I think I was 16 or 17 when that song was released. She was still many years from even being conceived. It's good to know that song's got staying power!

So in other flashbacks this weekend I was watching Season 1 of Party of Five on DVD. There was one scene where Charlie took his shirt off. Let's just say, that Jack on Lost looks MUCH better shirtless. Clearly, Matthew Fox has worked out in the past 15 years.

I have always had a thing for dimples. When Bailey smiles it makes me smile. I had a mad crush on a guy who had dimples way back when. This was back in the days before internet, so that makes it even more pathetic that I did this... But I went to the library and looked up to see what causes dimples. I was upset to learn that technically- they are considered a birth defect! It's a variation on the normal cheek muscles. Go figure. I still think they are cute. But as I am older they don't do it for me as much as eye crinkles when smiling. And what I just found is totally interesting is that I just googled "eye crinkles" to see if I could find some interesting link to share here, but what I found by the results was more interesting, so you'll just have to google it for yourself. The posts were either about how women find this hot in men, or how women can get botox or some other way to cosmetically hide the crinkles. How messed up is that?

And on that completely random note, I have to now hop in the shower because I need to be out the door in about an hour and I'm still totally in PJ's and completely unprepared for this meeting I have to go to today.

But when I have such a sweet kitty cuddled on my lap and another on my feet it makes it so hard to push them off :(

The guilt...

Posted by Acinom @ 9:47 AM