Wednesday, December 12, 2007

 Dr. Seuss once said...

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

It's a tough thing to accept though who matters and who doesn't.

I made a point when I started this blog to let very few local friends know that I had this. The ones that I let in were the ones I trusted the most, who I knew I could say anything to and not be judged.

Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking and let some other locals in accidentally.

As you can read from the "outed" post, the people who came in were ones who did not like what I had to say.

And I was told by the one that she "demanded" that I remove any posts about her, and that if I wanted our friendship to continue, I would.

I thought long and hard about it. I knew that I should not have written anything that I wouldn't want people to read. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing ever, but the fact was, those were my thoughts at that time. And the more I thought about it, my removal of those posts wouldn't make a difference. I still wrote what I wrote, and I knew that if she was going to make the survival of our friendship contingent upon me bowing to her demand, then clearly she did not really place much value on the friendship herself.

And the fact is, she is someone I became friends with due to mutual friends and interests. She was a friend of circumstance, not a friend of the heart.

So maybe I made the wrong choice. Maybe I should have kissed her ass and tried to salvage the relationship. I was a bitch and that was wrong. But you know, I have enough good people in my life who don't stress me out, so I'm ok with letting her go. It's going to be hard at occasions where we are both there, but hell, if I could work with that supervisor from hell last year, I can certainly play nice with her when we're together.

And so rather than delete the posts, rather than be censored, I chose to make this private. Hopefully that will appease her enough, and if not, well, those who mind don't matter.

I hope to un-privatize this at some point in the future when she's forgotten about us and moved forward. I'll truly miss all the fun google hits I get.

But till then, I'll just keep this open to those who matter and don't mind if I am who I am and say what I feel...

Posted by Acinom @ 9:41 PM

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I think you should un-privatize it and write about her until she implodes! :) No one likes to hear negative things about themselves, but those of us who are more interested in evolving as people and friends can learn much by what our friends think and say about us. It's a shame she didn't see the opportunity for the embarrassment...

Posted by Blogger AJ @ 7:52 AM #

It's a shame it came to this, but your blog is YOUR blog. People can not like what you write, but they can't dictate it! =)

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 8:21 PM #
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