Wednesday, October 24, 2007

 My lame little life

So tonight someone asked me what I have planned for tomorrow. Guess what- I didn't really have an answer. Is that sad, or what?

But then I think of all the times when I just was craving a day to do nothing, dreaming of having even an evening with nothing planned and I think that I'm pretty lucky right now. It might seem lame to others, but to me it's good for my soul.

I know I have to go back to work soon, so maybe that's why I'm savoring these days of nothing so much now. I love that I can hang with my cats, watch some tv, play on the computer, shower only if I feel like it, and stay in my pj's all day if that's what I want. I know that these days will be few and far between in the near future so I have to enjoy them now.

And honestly, it's a lame life, but I like it. It's cheaper than back when I used to go out all the time, and it's very low on the drama factor.

So I'm not going to apologize for having a lame life, I'm going to embrace it!

Try it- you might like it too!

Posted by Acinom @ 10:30 PM