Thursday, October 25, 2007

 I loathe confrontation

I got an email last night that someone wants to talk to me about some issues. We're meeting in about 45 minutes to discuss them. I am so stressed about what those issues might be. I know that this meeting is not going to be the confrontational one- it will be the one I will most likely have to have as a result of this one.

I used to be in management and I left it, one main reason because I hate this type of stuff. If someone isn't pulling their weight, or has an attitude problem, I really don't want to be the one to tell them.

Somehow though, I have a feeling that this is how it will turn out. And while I have others who are part of the group I will be representing, I can't see anyone stepping up to say "me! me! let me be the one to tell her she sucks!"

My left eye is twitching right now. This is one of those stress responses that I tend to get that I hate. I hate it because I can't hide it. Butterflies or sweaty palms are something that aren't really visible, but an eye twitch- well I have bangs, maybe I can get them to grow really quickly to hang over my eyes? Yeah, maybe not.

Well I'm off to the meeting. Here's to hoping that it's actually a "wow, I'm so impressed with the dedication and quality of the work going on and I just wanted to share that with you" meeting and not what I fear.

Damn eye, STOP IT NOW!

Posted by Acinom @ 1:14 PM