Saturday, October 27, 2007

 The Good, the Bad, and the Great

regarding kissing...

A bad kiss turns your stomach
A good kiss makes your stomach do a little flip
A great kiss is when you can close your eyes days later and think about that kiss and your stomach still flips

A bad kiss feels like you've kissed a frog
A good kiss feels like you've kissed a prince
A great kiss makes you feel like you're a princess

A bad kiss feels like you're smothering
A good kiss takes your breath away
A great kiss leaves your breathless

A bad kiss can't be over soon enough
A good kiss lasts and lasts
A great kiss leaves you wanting more...

I'm sure I could come up with some more, but I wouldn't want my friends who read this blog from their jobs to find this site suddenly blocked by their firewalls due to inappropriate content...

Posted by Acinom @ 10:51 PM