Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Nope, not playing bingo-- that was the result from the biopsy I had. I was pretty sure that's what it would be, but better safe than sorry. It was something that would have wanted to turn to cancer when it grew up, so it's a good thing that I did get it dug out. The suffering was worth it.

What suffering? Well, in my old age I have grown allergic to any type of adhesive. No bandaids, no tape, not even paper tape. I bought "hypoallergienic" bandaids and still have huge raised welts a week later. So, in other words, the 8 stitches did not bother me nearly as much as the bandaid that I had to have over it.

But anyway, it's all good :)

So in other news, I have signed up to do NaBloPoMo again. I had such a blast doing it last year, met a bunch of cool people, and even though I won nothing, I did get that fantastic sense of accomplishment (or whatever that button says!). So in order to get ready for it, I am going to try and be a wee bit better about posting.

I am worried, because I am going out of town 2 different weekends in November. The 1-3rd I'll be in Indianapolis for a conference. And then of course I'll be in Atlanta on November 18th for The Police! I'm so excited for that I can barely sit still!

I'm sure I'll make it though. Considering in November I'm going to actually have to start looking for work again, I'll probably have a few things to share.

So now I'm off to hunt down some of my old NaBloPoMo buddies from last year and see if they're on board again...

Posted by Acinom @ 6:26 PM