Tuesday, October 30, 2007

 and the last test of the day

Since I'm going out of town a few times during NaBloPoMo I wanted to make sure I still had the technology to post from afar.

The last two posts were from my cell phone, this one is from email. I don't think I'm bringing my laptop with me to Indianapolis since I'll only be gone one full day, I figured I could do that post via cell phone. When I'm away in Atlanta my friend's I'm with have computers so I can do the email version from there.

I just needed to make sure I knew how to do it and that it actually works! :)

So in 3 hours I'm having that meeting that I mentioned earlier. Last night I met with the rest of the board to plan how this meeting will go. I'm pretty super stressed though. The person we need to speak with takes everything way too personally, and hears stuff in her own way. Kinda like, if we said "here's a way to do something better" she would hear "we think you suck". It makes it hard to talk to her. But fortunately, I don't have to do all of the talking. In fact, I'm hoping to say very little and just kinda "be there". We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime I have been quite slothlike today. I had all these grand productive plans, but I just didn't get anything done. My big goal is to take the trash down when I leave for this meeting. If I get that done, I'll at least not have completely wasted today.

Ok, I'm going to hit send and hope this email becomes a post!

*crossed fingers*

Posted by Acinom @ 3:24 PM