Thursday, July 05, 2007

 What is it with this Friday?

So normally I have no life. I'm ok with that.

Four different people want to get together on Friday. I think I can do 2 maybe 3 depending on time. So the girl with no social life is in demand for once :) Go figure.

In other good news, I heard back from my friend Dana this morning :) I'm so glad to get back in touch with her! She's doing great (as I expected) and we're going to catch up more soon. Then I heard from Joe. He's also doing great :)

And regarding Andrew who I mentioned last night. We IM'd for a bit last night and I just have to say, he's awesome. Let me tell you all about him. back in '96 when I first met him I was working for the police station on midnights. Those nights were endless so I started playing a game online to get through them. That's where I first met Andrew. We would talk for hours. I also became friends with a RL friend of his, and she got to be friends with a local friend of mine. This was also a time when I was engaged and living with my fiance. I was also beginning to question the long term potential of said relationship.

After a while of online friendship, Andrew and Amanda came down to visit. They were staying with the other local- Missy. After they arrived I went down to Missy's house and I swear when I first hugged Andrew hello there was an audible *click*. That's how it was, we just clicked. While we knew that we weren't destined for a relationship, Andrew still changed my life. Spending time with him made me realize that there was definitely more out there for me. Time with him made it clear that my fiance was NOT the man I should spend forever with. So yes, I joke sometimes and say he's the guy who broke up my not-yet-marriage. But it's quasi true. He helped set the standards higher than I was currently at, and for that I am forever grateful.

I know he's going to be reading this (Hi babe!). Ive told him before he saved my life, but I figured Id put it out there for everyone to know now too. I pray that he has nothing but happiness coming his way, that all the problems he faces are cured, because if love is enough to fix stuff, then it'll all work out. *mwah*

Ok some Haiku's for Thursday-

Loser with no life
Everyone wants to play now
Friday will be full!

I'm reconnecting
Two old friends from my past
YAY! they're now present!

NO mice in 2 days!
Spray foaming holes is working?
Poor, sad, little boy :(

Stoopid pirate show
How long till new fall line-up?
Wow, Im desperate.

I love you Andrew
I wish you only good stuff
Prayers for magic wands

Posted by Acinom @ 10:54 AM