Thursday, May 31, 2007

 Look Ma, No Cavities!

So all went well at the dentist yesterday. They were cool with the insurance issues. I love my dentist's office :) But the interesting thing is I started using my Sonicare about a week after my last cleaning. So I asked my hygienist her opinion... She said go back to the Crest Spin Brush. Not that I was all grody or anything, but she said my gums weren't as happy as before, and that it was probably because the Sonicare was thinner and she thinks round is better. Go figure. $100 toothbrush vs $6 toothbrush... the cheap one wins! Shh don't tell the people who gave me the expensive one for free!!

Ok since it's Thursday and I haven't done it in a while, I'll finish up with some Haiku's

Mexican today
Lunch with my friend Alison

Yummy fajitas!

Petsmart for cat fud
Also bought new catnip toy

Kitties wont share it :(

Ringo Stu is mean
Smacked his brother and stole toy
Just say NO to drugs!

Posted by Acinom @ 9:07 PM

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Hiya Mon!!
I had to get one of those Sonicare toothbrushes for periodontal reasons and I didnt get the mutha for free either!! I am gonna be soooo pissed if a crest spin-brush from walmart could have done the job!!!

Posted by Blogger ~ T (grits) ~ @ 9:43 AM #
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