Saturday, March 03, 2007


I just downloaded and am trying Firefox for the first time and I'm ever so confuzzled.

My blog looks SO MUCH different! I had issues with the font size randomly changing before, and I thought it was a blogger issue, but apparently it's an IE issue? So now it looks stupid in Firefox since I changed the fonts to look right in IE. I don't know what to do now! Which should I make it look normal in?

Also, it's squished into the middle in Firefox, and there is A L L T H I S S P A C E on either side, which seems stupid. Id like to have it stretched out, but I'm not savvy enough to do that.

I suppose I could go buy HTML for dummies or something like that...

I just don't know what to do about it looking so different in the two different browsers.

Anyone else out there have a clue or solution?

Posted by Acinom @ 2:59 PM

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It looks the same to me in the latest Firefox and IE 6. I do not have IE 7, cuz it sucks!!!!

Firefox takes some getting used to, but in the end, it's worth it. I have designed my sites around Firefox - occasionally they look icky in IE, but using the cleanest code possible helps. If you are not a "coder" and are using Blogger, I would stick to one of the Blogger templates. Minima is a great base template, because it is VERY easy to tweak and make your own, without having to know code. This current look could almost be duplicated in minima, and would probably solve the firefox/IE issues.

Good Luck!

Posted by Blogger jess @ 5:55 PM #
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