Wednesday, March 07, 2007

 Are you memorable?

I apparently am not.

It amazes me how many people don't remember me.

Just this week 4 people who I have met many times before introduced themselves to me. I have worked at this hospital for almost 2 years and many many times we used the Radiology nurses to come down and start ports. This week I was up in Vascular/Interventional Radiology helping out, and one of them introduced herself to me. I dont know if it's because I wasnt where she had seen me before that it threw her off, but she wasnt where Id seen her and yet I knew her.

The one Tech in VIR who Ive met numerous times introduced himself too.

And one of the radiologists.

Ill cut the rad some slack because he doesnt do Nuclear, and Ive only met him when I was talking to our rad and he reading next to him.

But still. This happens to me often. People who Ive met have no clue who I am.

I wonder what makes me so forgettable, and if this is a good thing. I think it's not bad. At least Im not memorable for scary reasons. And Id like to think that if I was actually trying to make an impression I do.

The people who win on Survivor are often the ones who fly under the radar, so maybe I'd kick some butt on there too! Of course I wouldnt eat bugs or snouts and Id get voted off right after that challenge so maybe not...

Some people do remember me though, and those mean much more I think. Ive had patients who I see again who I honestly dont remember from before, but they are happy to see me. They tell me how good I was to them the last time, how safe I made them feel, or that they really felt like I cared about them. That's why I went into healthcare. For making a difference to people like that. Being sick or in the hospital is scary enough, and I think that we, in healthcare, lose touch with what it's like to be on the other side. It's work to us, we care, but not really. If someone has a bad result to their test, we feel for them at the time, but it doesnt affect our lives. If it's a normal result, that sticks with us even less, but those are the ones that often mean the most to the patient.

I do care, dont get me wrong. I think of some patients who I saw 3 years ago and wonder how they are doing. I cant remember their names though, they are "that woman with the kidney problem" or "that young mom with breast cancer", or "that woman with the disgusting feet". But I hope all of them are doing well. And I hope that if I see them again, that they would remember me as "that girl who treated me so well".

The others who dont remember me- well, I buy generic stff, I guess I can identify with it because clearly, Im pretty generic myself. And I'm ok with that.

Posted by Acinom @ 9:10 AM