Tuesday, September 26, 2006

 Silence woke me up

As ridiculous as this sounds, it's true.

I was asleep, and quite happy to be so. I have that whole "one nostril stuffed up" thing going on so I roll over it takes a while to be able to breathe- you know the drill. So when I was asleep it was wonderful.

And then I woke up. Why? Because the power went out. I am a huge fan of white noise while sleeping. I have both a fan going and a white noise machine that makes rain sounds. I need this noise to lull me to sleep. When the power went off and the room was plunged into silence- THIS woke me up.

I know Im not normal, I fully acknowledge this. But it still sucks. So here it is, after midnight, I have a snotty nose and a crying headache (I got some crappy news earlier, I have some stress over kitty health, and I think I may be somewhat hormonal too). You know those headaches? After a good cry one would expect a feeling of relief. I just get exhausted and headache-y. And now Im awake. And I have to be up in less than 5 hours.

So I thought Id get up, write a quick entry, and try and desnottify my nose. I hope it works.

And lets hope the power doesnt go out again. It apparently was out at some point this afternoon (ok so it was at 2:07 but dont ask me how I know this because Ill deny it!). I already had to reset clocks and alarms then. Now I just had to do it again. Im over that.

Oh and I guess my smoke detector needs a new battery because it was chirping while I was sans power. I owe my cats bigtime for that one.

I think I have a bunch of batteries, but I dont want to look now. When I lived in Vermont my landlord was a total dickhead (and that's being kind). I had to buy all of my own smoke detector batteries there, so when I moved out I took em all with me. Im pretty sure they are in that box of random crap that I dont know where else to put, but Im not up for dealing with that now.

Remind me though, k? Thanks!

Off to attempt sleep again, wish me luck!!

Posted by Acinom @ 12:23 AM

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Did you find your batteries?

Hope you got back to sleep. Headaches from HELL are the worst!! Mine have been feeling like my brain is in vice and squeezing the guts outa it!!!!!

Did you find anything that works?

Posted by Blogger ~ T (grits) ~ @ 6:09 PM #
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