Wednesday, September 06, 2006

 I love House...even if it's ridiculous

Im so excited that the new season started, and I thought last night's episode was great.

I am truly surprised thought how inaccurate some of the stuff is. I wonder who they have for a medical consultant because they really have no clue about imaging stuff.

First of all, there's no way the docs themselves would be performing the scans. They *might* be in the control area watching the monitor, but they wouldnt be actually putting the patient on, or touching the computer.

Second of all, they have no clue about some of the tests they are ordering- they are just ordering stuff that sounds good. For example, there was an episode where they ordered a Gallium Scan for infection and then did a lymph node biopsy to rule out lymphoma. Um, Gallium Scans are for chronic infections, not acute ones (like that patient may have had); for acute infections you'd do a WBC scan. Gallium Scans ARE for Lymphoma. They had no need to cut open the kid to get those nodes if the Gallium was clean, which it was.

Thirdly, they're WAY clueless about MRI. There was an episode where they did surgery to remove a titanium rod from a woman before doing her MR. FYI, Titanium is MRI safe. LL Cool J's tattoo's would not have pulled out of his body, they may have heated up and burned him, but they would not pull out. And I doubt that every piece of equipment in that OR was MRI compatible for their little portable MRI scan they did.

Id love to call up the producers and offer to be their radiology scan consultant. I could recommend the correct tests to order for stuff. (Like an Octreoscan for neuroendocrine disorders, and they dont utilize PET nearly enough!) If they are being stupid about how something is done (like having results from a Cisternogram in a few hours instead of 24-96 like it really takes to have a result, or having the docs actually do stuff they'd never do) I could give them the heads up.

Whaddayathink? Would they hire me? Or do they just go on being stupid because most people dont realize it, and those of us in the imaging fields like to make fun of it the next day and watch the show just to see what stupid things they do each week?

I still love the show. Im sad it didnt win the Emmy. Hugh Laurie is a phenomenal actor, and the actor who plays Chase is quite easy on the eyes!! (I do think that Cameron's new haircut makes her look 12 though, I hope it doesnt last)

I hate waiting a week for the next one!!!

Posted by Acinom @ 5:40 AM