Monday, September 25, 2006
I hate being sick
and not for the obvious reasons. Yeah it's not fun feeling yucky yaddah yaddah.
But I hate trying to decide if I should go to work or not. There's nothing that irks me more than when sick people come in to work anyway and share their germs with everyone else. I work in healthcare, often with immunocomprimised patients. It should be a no brainer that if youre sick, you stay home. These people are undergoing chemo which wipes out their natural defenses, and the last thing they need is to catch some snotty crud on top of that.
Currently Im in mammo though, and while that makes you think Im around breast cancer patients, Im really not. It's more of a before they know it, or after theyve finished treatment kind of place. So I dont feel as strongly this time as usual.
Yesterday I was feeling much better too. I think I have one of those illnesses that gets bad at night and then youre fine all day. What's up with that? Ive never understood that.
I just moved from a snotty nose and feeling like I was swallowing glass to coughing up some not pretty stuff. This always happens to me. It starts in my head and moves to my chest. Ill also probably have laryngitis by the end of today.
I dont have alot of sick time though thanks to being screwed over with that at work with that in the spring. And I have doc visit o rama this week and need to take time for those.
But I dont wanna share this with everyone.
And this is what I hate.
I guess Ill go take my temp and if I dont have a fever Ill go, and if I do Ill stay.
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