Tuesday, February 16, 2010

 Olympic themed gifts I made for my mom and sis!

So again we went to Bisque Art so I could create some fabulous birthday gifts for my mom and sis.

One thing you should know about them is that they are both Olympic freaks. In a big big way. As in- I wont see or hear from them for the entire run of the Olympics. In past years they have even rented a ginormous TV for it. I don't quite get it, I think the Olympics are nice and all but nothing that exciting.

But their affinity for the whole thing gave me this year's birthday inspiration. And I'm pretty happy how they came out. (except for Russia)

I really am not artistic, but I had copies of a bunch of flags printed out and figured if I made them small enough then you couldn't see the detail enough to see that it sucks. They ended up coming out way cuter than I expected! And the rings could have been a bit better but we were running out of time before the place closed so I had to do them quickly. Still think they're pretty dang cute!

Ergo, I felt the need to brag a little and show off a wee bit :)

Posted by Acinom @ 7:07 PM :: (4) comments